Against All Odds: Rise of a Poor Fisherman Son to Mazda Car Company Founder

How a Poor Fisherman Son Establish Mazda Car Company

Imagine growing up in a small fishing town in Japan, with no electricity, no running water, and barely enough food to survive and if that’s not enough what would you think if near this town an atomic bomb was dropped killing more than 80,000 people in an instant. However daunting this may sound, it wasn’t enough to discourage a poor fisherman’s son in the 19th century in Japan from founding one of the most successful car companies in the world. This is the story of Mazda Motor Corporation!

In today’s video we look at How a Poor Fisherman Son Establish Mazda Car Company…Keep watching to see how poor fisherman son established mazda company, established mazda company, mazda company, fisherman son established mazda company, mazda, poor fisherman son, history of mazda, mazda cars, founder of mazda, history of mazda brand, how poor fisherman son established big thoughts, mazda company history, mazda brand, fisherman son story, story of jujiro matsuda

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Inspired by How did the son of a poor fisherman create Mazda?

Inspired by The Poor Fisherman Son Who Established Mazda Company

Inspired by How This Poor Fisherman’s Son Created The Mazda Company

Inspired by Poor Fisherman’s Son Established the Mazda Company

Inspired by How a Poor Fisherman’s Son Created Mazda

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35 thoughts on “Against All Odds: Rise of a Poor Fisherman Son to Mazda Car Company Founder”

  1. Matsuda's pump was the turning point in his life as this excellent video shows. He was a business success across multiple lines of business despite some huge setbacks like factories burning down. Superbly inspiring video!

  2. Matsuda's pump marked a significant turning point in his life, as beautifully depicted in this exceptional video. Despite encountering major setbacks such as devastating factory fires, he emerged as a remarkable business success, excelling in various industries. This video serves as a truly inspiring testament to his journey.

  3. Mazda has always been one of my most favorite manufacturers, they're so reliable and affordable. Really cool to hear the backstory of how it came to be, great research.

  4. I have this stuck in my head, now: "And he says "When i grow-up, I want to be one of the harvesters of the sea. I think before my days are gone, I want to be a fisherman, I'll live and die a fisherman!"


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