Against All Odds: Punk/Hardy – Impact World Title! | Episode #10 | Impact Wrestling 2012 | TEW 2020

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Impact Wrestling 2012 is the continuation of the Paul Heyman’s TNA series on TEW 2020. Following an “invasion” by Ring of Honor, TNA Wrestling was turned upside down, leading to the announcement of a rebranding at the end of 2011.

The tenth episode will see Impact Wrestling present the second pay-per-view since the rebrand. Below is the match card for the event.

CM Punk (c) vs. Jeff Hardy [Impact World Championship; Kurt Angle is Special Guest Enforcer]
Gail Kim (c) vs. Mickie James vs. Tara [Impact Knockouts Championship]
Bryan Danielson & Desmond Wolfe (c) vs. Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team [Impact World Tag Team Championships]
Awesome Kong & Rosita (c) vs. Daizee Haze & MsChif [Impact Knockouts Tag Team Championships]
El Generico (c) vs. Paul London [Impact X-Division Championship]
The New Age Of Honor (Austin Aries & The American Wolves) vs. The New Age Originals (Tyler Black & The Kings of Wrestling)
Hamada vs. Taylor Wilde
AJ Styles vs. Jay Lethal


6 thoughts on “Against All Odds: Punk/Hardy – Impact World Title! | Episode #10 | Impact Wrestling 2012 | TEW 2020”

  1. So glad to have you back Bookerman. Great show as usual. And damn that future Chris Hero vs Davey Richards is going to be insane. They been standouts. Which brings up a good point. Guys like Hero, Richards, Benjamin, Black, have a need for a men's mid card championship. They don't quite fit the X-Division Championship as that feels like a European level title. But they aren't quite ready for the main event yet. Especially with that big 2012 name coming and a guy like Joe not being champ yet. So a TV title or National Champ or whatever you can think of. I think it could help


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