Against All Odds pt 2

Against All Odds pt 2


29 thoughts on “Against All Odds pt 2”

  1. Steve you had NDE? I study NDE and other phenomena me and my wife we have experience with angel and I’m just finishing book about why we are here. It call “Purpose of Life” if people know what happens to them when they hurting others!✌️❤️🇨🇿🇸🇰🇷🇺 SLOVANSKAUNIA!

  2. Stephen, I’ve been watching your vids for about 15 years now. Crazy it’s been this long and now here we are in this time in history. Thx for sharing your stories. I enjoy listening to you and Jana both 🙏🙏🙏

  3. WOW!! Steven! Thank you again for the great stories of your life. They fill us in on who you are all about, but also that experience with iridioligy. I've never tried it, but I'd love to. Sounds amazing! Again, have to say you're a precious person we have on this earth among us and you use your time wisely spreading the good news as well as that which we need for a heads up. Knowledge is power, yes? Of course, everyone has a gift to share with the world. Maybe they just don't know how to express it and use it, but so thankful for you. Wishing you a long beautiful life with many more great experiences! 💖✨✨✨✨✨

  4. Exactly what I needed to hear in this moment, praise God for using people at the perfect time and for the needs of all His children, amen.

  5. I’ve been listening for 8 years. I and my twin sister were born on September 22…1965.
    Thank you for the incredible testimony! I praise God for men of God with great character that are leading us in truth in a world filled with deception. Maranatha!

  6. Thank you for sharing your testimony!! ❤️ Our Father is so beautiful and generous and loving!! I quit smoking just on the 1st of August and He is doing wonders!! I did discuss this with Him so we had a plan. He is all!!! God bless you all 🙏❤️

  7. ……truly, Satan the Devil will use the wicked to do his Hateful Demonic Deeds through the unjust… devour whom he is seeking to Destroy and Murder. Thank you brother Steven in your faithfulness to the JEWISH MESSIAH YAHSHUWAH, The Son of GOD, THE PRINCE OF PEACE. Amen.

  8. parse the lord i had several times the lord or his appointed angel would warn me extreme danger or relevant instruction to avoid a near certainty deadly event like car crash or trap Satan set for my demise If I get hurt i will try the call out

  9. Dear Heavenly Abba Father in Jesus mighty powerful name bless you and Jana it is written Isaiah 53 v 5 through Jesus stripes your healed in Jesus name quickened by power of holy spirit and Isaiah 54 v 17 no weapon will prosper against you and Jana quickened by power of holy spirit and dear Jesus send your Heavenly angels to minister and surround Steven and Jana and hedge of protection around them in Jesus mighty powerful name and keep them under your shadow the shadow of our All Mighty All powerful living God Jesus our living God and peace only of Jesus upon ye blessings and love of Jesus upon ye beautiful message of our glorious king Jesus dear Jesus an Allmighty Allpowerful living God blessings Jesus Lamb of God who she'd his precious blood for all our sins on a cross at Calvary rose on third day ascended into heaven with power of holy spirit and sits at right hand of our Heavenly father and reigns all glory to Jesus our king of Kings will pray for ye too what a Mighty loving merciful Jesus our living God we serve oh the goodness and love of dear Jesus

  10. WOW! Steven I had a heart attack when I was 16 teen and died and went to hell I cried out and Lord Jesus Christ He came and got me OUT it was horrible torture torment really suffering like you would not believe and No comfort none just pure torment , torture real hell ❤❤❤

  11. WOW. It's so amazing your stories. I broken shoulder and collar bone from being bucked off a horse when I was young. I had broken nose and broken ribs, chipped teeth from x husband. The guy who fixed my nose said I was very lucky to be alive. A slight to the left or right in the break and I would be dead. He said.
    I broke an ankle too. When I did that someone was there with me the whole time helping me cope with the pain. Telling me how to breath. Talking to me distracting me from the pain till the ambulance came about a couple of hours. Then he just disappeared. Always think it was an Angel.


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