Against All Odds Episode 26 – Special Interview with Jennifer Kabbany

Our first interview of Against All Odds is with Jennifer Kabbany, editor in chief at the College Fix!
She gives us wonderful insight on what’s going on at college campuses all across the country!


3 thoughts on “Against All Odds Episode 26 – Special Interview with Jennifer Kabbany”

  1. Great video continue to educate and make America aware of the demonic agenda that's taking place in America. As Christians we know that satan is behind every evil work. he uses people just as God uses people. we also know that our fight is not against flesh and blood people it's against principalities it's against powers it's against rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places. Demonic spirits are behind all of the wickedness that is taking place in America and around the world. It's up to the body of Christ to wake up, rise up and take these strongholds down. God bless you!

  2. Many thanks for publishing this interview. I’ve been a college professor for almost 20 years and something has definitely gotten unhinged in the last two or three. I keep hoping it’s a flare-up that’s going to pass but I’m seeing more and more once-rational academics careening straight past the point of reason. Very thankful for the work you two and your organizations are doing to provide a counter-balance to the craziness.


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