Again!! Ukrainian Army launch HIMARS missile strikes destroy 15 Russian Armoured Vehicles in Kherson

Ukrainian Army launch HIMARS missile strikes destroy 15 Russian Armoured Vehicles in Kherson.

Ukrainian forces are rapidly recapturing huge swathes of land in the eastern regions, as they continue to launch HIMARS missile strikes and force Russia to retreat. Footage has shown the moment Ukrainian forces destroyed 15 Russian armoured vehicles and a military base where enemy soldiers.


43 thoughts on “Again!! Ukrainian Army launch HIMARS missile strikes destroy 15 Russian Armoured Vehicles in Kherson”

  1. I remember seeing a video clip about smart artillery units that fire and shift location. I was impressed with the well coordinated movements of each soldier, but thought it was outmoded warfare. Boy, was I wrong. Those guys taught Ukrainians and knew their business: give them hell, boys.

  2. Fire missiles right in to Russia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

  3. your film does not sync with your words. I have seen many of those clips and they were not himar strikes. best i can see is you are patching together film and putting words to it. but shots have nothing to do with what you are saying.

  4. Most important in all this is to Russian people finally undestand their position!That they are in dictatorship which is the worst Europe'!s undemocratic and without any political influence on their future!Putin is like Sadam,Gadafi,Idi Amin…All power is in his hands!No normal oposition,no elections!Why they let him do that!?Russians were allways very brave so why do they let that KGB little guy send them to destruction!They should rise up and take him down and save their country and children for better future !!!

  5. this war is completely pointless and meaningless.
    Even if Russia gets the territories conquered back, the West will increase sanctions and Russia will not be able to financially take care of its new territories.
    Also, continuous sabbtase attacks will be daily in those areas, so the areas will only be harmful and very problematic for Russia.

  6. God is always with the oppressed and downtrodden. God shields Ukraine, Europe and NATO with his Blood. God Bless Ukraine. God Bless Europe and NATO. Glory to God. Glory to Ukraine. Glory to Ukraine and NATO.

  7. And please stop this stupid,senseless war. Just like in Vietnam….A rich man's war….a poor man! And only the young die young. And to top it off …..old men hate young folks.

  8. God always your side 🇺🇦 this is your time one day all no more world so most do most use mind fight is nothing but use mind if rassiya trouble you you also hit raissya supply line gas and power line water damp 👍🏿🙏🌹 good luck

  9. a lot of clips here is totaly unrelated to the current conflict, and also Z vehicles are clearly not used by ukraine. For symbolysm i guess anything can work, but don't make it very trust worthy.

  10. Lets cut the crap here. Zelensky is controlled by the west, the US west and EU is also controlled by US.

    So, anything coming out of Zelensky's mouth is scripted from US.

    US has proven to be untrust-worthy all over the world. They keep stating they are not involved in the war, however, both NATO and US military are on the ground in Ukraine, as well as NATO forces surrounding Russian borders.

    US claim they did not blow up Nordstream even though there is surmounted evidence on the contrary. US volunteer to investigate pipeline that is owned by Russia w/o Russian involvement.

    US promises shading deals with OPEC, and OPEC tells them to pound sand.

    US has an 'opportunity' to provide LG to Europe, even though US doesn't have it, immediately after the Nordstream attack.

    This is basic math scenario.

  11. Don't worry about it guys a lot of disorders are nothing but drunk they can't even spell right it's a bunch of farmers do fighting a war what's wrong with this country what's wrong with Russia Lee


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