After the Virus: Tyranny Rising : The Theology Pugcast Episode 191

On today’s show Tom unpacks Hans Boersma’s short article: Viral Submission: on the Emerging Totalitarianism of the New Biopolitics. The guys define and engage biopolitics and how the recent pandemic exposed how it’s encroachment into the sacred territories of our life, health, work, and community relationships are becoming claimed by governing and global political agendas at fundamental odds with true human flourishing and our higher spiritual ends.

Article (Available to Touchstone Subscribers) :

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4 thoughts on “After the Virus: Tyranny Rising : The Theology Pugcast Episode 191”

  1. Does the potency of the disease justify the strictness of the imposed controls? If we were dealing with ebola, would it be acceptable to have the controls we had?

    So is this essentially determined by a debate about how bad a disease is?

  2. Masks are still required everywhere outside your home in Honduras. The church still is saying its the right thing to do to obey the law. Wear masks, sit apart from others. They put large Xs on the chairs to space people out, they still take temps and spray sanitizer on people when entering. The government is saying nothing of changing the law that was put in lace May 2020 and the most poeple say nothing as they believe these things are keep the virus away and the fear of death is still strong here. I am so tired and hate going, no fellowship, never seeing anyones face (unless they are on stage and thus are able to take their masks off) . Kids do not even talk with each other, they come and then they leave. What is the point?


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