African Liberation Station with Brother kwaku is live!


20 thoughts on “African Liberation Station with Brother kwaku is live!”

  1. The man made allegorical fake Abraham (also known as Ibrahim) religions are not real, they are brainwashing and mind control to enslave genocide of melanated people so-called black around the world. Caucasian people destroyed melanated Ra/Sun people called black from our spiritual way of life, all elements of divine Amun neter/nature. Don’t ever mix Maat melanated peoples spirituality with so-called white man’s fake and lie Abraham (also known as Ibrahim) religions. Caucasian fake religions were created to rule and control melanated Sun/Ra people so-called black forever. The allegory stories, and fictional characters in the fake and lie Bible/Torah/Talmud/Quran say to obey God and forgive your master for anything they do to melanated people called black. God rewards you after death. I say hell no! That is foolishness and sickness, a mind game to keep melanated Ra/Sun people so-called black in this situation forever. Now is the time to wake up and to know who we are for our melanated Ra/Sun people real history. Otherwise, we will never be free.
    Because of their fake religions, they have tried to destroy and kill us for centuries. They have brainwashed us to go to their churches, mosques and synagogues. They make us pray to their so-called Gods for freedom. But we will never be free as long as we believe in their fake Gods, who are not like us. Knowledge is power and freedom for melanated Sun people. Their allegory God is man made and is not real. God spelled backwards is a dog. The Caucasian people love their pet dogs for survival in the Caucasus mountains in caves more than they love melanated Sun/Ra people called black. Leave fake Abraham (also known as Ibrahim) religions, they are full of lies.
    The allegorical Abraham (also known as Ibrahim) religion killed more than 500 million melanated Ra/Sun people so-called black from the continent of Ra’frikan people. Melanated Ra/Sun people's real history was the foundation for everything you see and hear today — the alphabet, science, medicine, music, agriculture, and
    mathematics. The Caucasian European so-called Arabs were enslaving and genocide of melanated so-called black people for 1,000 years before Caucasian so-called white men started 400 years of Atlantic slavery. The Caucasian so-called white peoples stopped physical slavery, but mental slavery continues through the fake Bible,Torah and Talmud. Caucasian people created the so-called modern day Middle East and Turkey, used to be part of the original continent Ra’frika, and created more Arabs countries inside modern day so-called Africa to destroy melanated Ra/Sun peoples' ancient ancestors' real history and civilization. The Caucasian so-called Arabs continue physical and mental slavery today through the fake Quran, to brainwash and mind control of melanated Ra/Sun people. So-called white people, Jews and Arabs are all European Caucasian brothers and sisters, from the caves of the Caucasus mountains. Knowledge is power and freedom for melanated Ra/Sun people called black.
    Dr. Ray Hagins said who controls the printed page controls the thinking of the age. Everything you read and see is controlled by Caucasian people. I agree because melanated Ra/Sun people so-called black throughout the world have been miseducated and misinformed about our real history. We have been mind-controlled for centuries and Caucasian people no longer have to worry about so-called black people's actions or lack of action. We haven’t done a damn thing because we are still living in mental bondage. We need to change and deal with the truth of our real history so the next generations can have a better future. We melanated Sun/Ra peoples are spiritual people like our ancient ancestors' way of life, all elements of divine Amun neter/nature. That is our power and freedom.
    melanated Ra/Sun people around the world: let us go back to our ancient ancestors' way of life, neter/nature. Don't let Caucasian people brainwash and fool you anymore with their allegorical Gods that you can’t see, hear, feel or touch. It is not the truth. The Caucasians made so-called fake God in their own image and called it ‘he’. All of the ignorant religious people believe the lies because the so-called holy fake lying books say that God is powerful. They say don’t question Gods, just have faith and belief in him. No, I need real archaeological evidence and facts that so-called God exists. I say that is foolishness and mind control, people. It’s a lie because God doesn’t exist. I know so-called the white man has the power because all of you ignorant religious people believe in him and his lying so-called holy books, but he’s the one that is doing all the things such as war, genocide and destruction of all lives on planet earth. Caucasian people do all these things in the name of a fake God. So-called Gods did not do anything.
    Caucasians created the allegorical so-called Gods just to control your mind, people. Scholar Walter Williams said so-called God didn’t make humans, humans make Gods. Wake up people, all are man made allegorical Gods and can only be used for religious purposes. Outside of religion, so-called Gods have no power. I agree, the true creator of life is all elements of divine Amun neter/nature, especially the Sky, the Sun/Ra, the moon, the Stars, the Air, the Water, and the earth. They give life and light to all living creatures on planet earth. Everyone can hear, feel, touch, and see them, because they are the true givers of life. Also, respect and honor all females, especially the melanated women, so-called black, who were the first humans on planet earth. The ignorant religious people stop lying and deceiving people about the allegory of Jesus, Yeshua, Muhammad, and Krishna. They are all fictional characters. They never existed as humans, it’s a lie.

  2. This is the foundation of lying the European Caucasian people to erase melanated Ra/Sun people, so-called black, our ancient ancestors' real history, and civilizations, and their ways of life, all elements of divine Amun neter/nature spirituality. That is who we are as a people. The Caucasian through their fake allegorical stories and fictional characters. Such as the so-called fake God, Yahweh, Allah, Buddh, and fake Adam and Eve. The European Caucasians created fake biblical characters known as Noah, the fake flood story to erase and destroy the melanated peoples of our ancient ancestors' real history and civilizations. Then the Caucasian people make a new fake identity so-called Arabs and Jews, out of themselves Caucasian. Don’t let them fool you anymore, melanated people called black. They are all European Caucasian peoples, from the caves of the Caucasus mountains. All of the ignorant religious people are lying and deceiving so-called black people. Melanated Sun/Ra people throughout the world need to wake up and change and leave behind all fake Abraham (also known as Ibrahim) religions that destroyed our melanated ancient ancestors' real history and civilization. We are spiritual people in neter/nature; that is our power and freedom.
    Religion is how Caucasians people enslaved and caused the genocide of melanated Ra/Sun people so-called black, and stole our land and divided the continent Ra’frika (modern day so-called Africa). The European Caucasians created the fake Middle East, Turkey, and other so-called Arabs countries inside so-called Africa (such as Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia). In 639-642 AD, the so-called Arabs conquered Kemet's melanated people land, which is now modern day so-called Egypt, to be Arab fake identity peoples. Caucasians people fool and brainwash melanated Sun/Ra peoples around the world. So-called black people, they are defending the lies that destroy our real history. Our melanated Ra/Sun people ancient ancestors would say shame on all of the ignorant religious people for supporting the European Caucasian religions that have enslaved, brainwashed and mind controlled of melanated people and for supporting the Caucasians campaign of genocide. Melanated Ra/Sun people, remember this, so-called white people, Jews and Arabs are all European Caucasian peoples liars from the caves of the Caucasus mountains. They are all related. Jews and Arabs are descendants of European Caucasians. Through this false identity, they took our melanated Ra/Sun people land, called black. No matter how they tried to manipulate and fool the melanated Ra/Sun people over the centuries, it is time to wake up for the melanated Sun/Ra peoples around the world.
    In 1100 to 1071 BCE, the Europeans first came to the continent Ra’frika. Modern day so-called Middle East and Turkey used to be part of the continent Ra’frika. Melanated Ra/Sun people called black welcomed all of Caucasians European people, before Alexander the Greek came to Kemet melanated land, modern day so-called Egypt. There was no so-called Arab, Jew, or any religion. We melanated people don’t know who we are as a people historically. We are spiritually melanated people so-called black. Remember people when Alexander the Greek first came to Kemet (modern day so-called Egypt) in the continent Ra’frika (modern day so-called Africa) in 332 B.C.E. in Kemet melanated Ra/Sun people land, there were no religions. Later, European Caucasians people created fake religions to enslave, brainwash and rule melanated people so-called black forever. Caucasian people are liars. They created fictional characters stories, in their so-called the holy lying fake books. Read Galatians 4:20-24 (“which things are an allegory”).Their calendar says so-called Adam and Eve were the first humans on earth around 5,000 B.C.E. less than 7,000 years ago. However, that is a lie. What about our melanated ancient ancestors who were around more than 200,000 years ago? But all of the ignorant so-called black people out there believe the lies and foolishness. We need to wake up and to know who we are as a melanated Ra/Sun people.
    Live free like a bird in the Sky and leave behind so-called the fake Abraham (also known as Ibrahim) religions. They are fake. It’s all about power lies brainwashing and mind controlling people, and a money making business. Also, it’s foolishness, sickness, madness, cancer and a drug to people. They lie, deceive and tell people to have faith and belief, but they have no facts.
    Caucasian religions will never free us; religions were created to enslave genocide of melanated people called black. Caucasian created the allegorical God, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, and Jehovah just to control your mind people. So-called God didn’t make humans, humans make so-called Gods. It’s all about the real true Sun/Ra, read Psalms 84:11 (‘For the lord God is a Sun and shield’) and Malachi 4:2 (‘But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings.’) They are actually talking about the real Sun/Ra, not a person’s wings, the fake son Jesus. If so-called god is real why does the author of the Bible say the lord god is like a Sun and shield; it should say the lord god is a god. So which one is the real creator of life, the Sun or the fake god? Even your contradictory Bible says the Sun is the real creator. But all of the ignorant religious believers say they have faith that man made so-called God is the creator. Someone is lying. Wake up melanated people called black, this is why Caucasians say to have faith and belief, you don’t need evidence or facts. Read Matthew 24:5 and realize that fake son Jesus is not Christ. In Verse 4,So-called “Jesus answered and said unto them, take heed that no man deceive you”. In Verse 5, Jesus says, “For many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many.”
    These verses actually mean that Jesus is warning his so-called disciples if anyone comes and calls me Christ, that is a deception. So-called Jesus is saying he is not Christ. The author of the fictional Jesus makes it clear that Jesus was not Christ, and was an imaginary human to begin with. The allegory of Jesus/Yeshua did not exist. Also people do your own research — anytime you see an image of son Jesus it’s a lie. They put the real Sun/Ra behind the allegory of Jesus to fool all of the ignorant religious believers. The concept of fake Jesus is just a trap. He was supposed to save the world, but he couldn’t even save himself. If he ever existed, he would never exist as a human.
    In Nicea in 325 A.D. was the creation of the Romanized
    Christ by 318 Roman Catholic bishops. Serapis became Jesus Christ by edict of the Emperor Constantine. Additionally, the letter J didn’t even exist until 1524 A.D. There were no so-called Jews, Jacob or Jesus in the language. After 1524 the letter Y was changedI to J. People, do your own research, you will find the truth.

  3. America is headed for a civil war because it's being invaded by illegal migrants trying to replace blacks in white folks over here in Joe Biden can careless about Americans that's why it's going to be a blood bath over here in the us by end of this year.

  4. our people are awakening and coming into a state of knowledge and self awareness that we haven't seen in decades. We will get through this, Keep the flame 🔥 prolonged brotha kwaku and keep spreading your amazing flames 🔥 of👏 knowledge

  5. I been hearing you mention this money thing is coming to a end real soon and I overstand and innerstand from my other messengers it's true cause most Rich people are invested in gold, oil, live stock, land, steel, vegetables or anything that has real value.. unfortunately most of us are still waking up to work for the paper money and it's losing value in the economy because there's nothing you can use it for, maybe wipe your ass because you can't eat it, you can't build a house with it, you can't drink it, it's a bullshit recourse and you made this point before brother.. we are starting to innerstand how useless you can be on a island with nothing else but a case full of money, we are getting ready to drop out the system and work with the land and it's resources.


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