AFK Detection Update – New World

Join me in this New World video as we talk the upcoming AFK detection update.

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34 thoughts on “AFK Detection Update – New World”

  1. It's a catch 22 really … people only use such afk methods because the wait times are so long to get in again … but the afk tactics also mean that others who want to actively play the game have to wait for long periods. IMO the best solution would be to solve the wait times in another way then people would be more confident in logging off when they need leave their computers for a while

  2. The server I started on was a low population one all week, now I have a queue time and the server is now high population. Starting on a low population server solves nothing.

  3. Amazon just doomed this game 5 days in. If people are getting banned to avoid AFK kicks,, imagine the media coverage! Who wants to play a game where you'll be punished for playing? Especially when they were no where near close to being ready for game release. No server stress test, really?!

  4. I know que times sucks but is it really that bad waiting 5-10 mins when u sweaty people are playing 5-10 hours? Its not like u hot anything better to do if you are playing long hours…smh

  5. Fix the fricking huge Queue times and there will be no issue with people trying to stay connected. Spend time fixing the issue NOT “fixing” the work around people are using to take a 30min meal or family break only yo be faced with a 2-3 hour wait to get back into the game. Sorry I have zero tolerance for a huge company that has dropped the ball on servers, especially as they own the cloud server and technology themselves.

  6. Well, that's the problem when you have 1000+ person queues or have to wait over an hour to log in. You become afraid to log out for short breaks, and so for those trying to log on, the queue becomes longer while they wait for a space to open up, and for those who are in, they will do everything they can to not log out and go back to the stupidly long queues. It's not healthy for anyone really, and as this video says, you might get more and more bugs coming up if you stay online and try to play through the bugs, which again is not a healthy way to deal with things.

    Please, if you don't have to follow a specific streamer or be on a certain server or play with random but specific players like in a discord server guild, consider trying a lower population for the benefit of everyone. If you have a specific bunch of friends in real life or you play alone or have a low level character, really consider re-rolling, deleting your old character if you want to use the same name and joining a quieter server. The server name might not be as cool, but it will help your own sanity with not having to wait to join the game and having a more balanced player base and economy when you do go online, and you can once again start thinking – "I need to have a meal break or a bathroom break, I'll just log off and then come back when I am ready again without a queue in just a short time." You can thank me for all this latter. 😛

  7. The queues make ppl afk, people afk and make the queues.

    If I get kicked for afk, because I'm not sitting at my PC watching a queue for hours and get into the game, that needs to be taken into account. Because boy oh boy has that happened too many time.

    So as long as they're targeting true exploitation (running into a corner all day), this sounds like a prdy good idea.

  8. Theyre passing the buck here, it's amazons fault here, they didn't cater for the party correctly. Why should i spend 8 hours in a queue because i have to work and then the character i have put 36 levels of time into sits there not being used. AGS needed to have made character limits for server from the get go, the fact that you have 5000 characters sharing 2000 slots means they need more servers.

  9. Just have your significant other log you in a few hours before you get home if they are able too. BOOM no queue time or the perfect amount of time left so you can shit shower and shave.

  10. hate the game not the players! I AFK run because I'm not waiting for 4-5 hours to play just because I need to pop out, eat, shower ect ect. In no other game have I left it running while i do basic life job.

  11. Great idea Amazon, punish Players for Your own indolence making pple wait 5+hours to log in after they are forced to Leave pc for some time. There would not be half server walking into walls if they knew they can Just log in and play. ITS NOT PLAYERS' FAULT FFS…

  12. They just need to implement free anytime world swapping like OSRS does. Stay tied to your company and allow wealth transfers, but in able to do wars you need to be In the company server. Free world swapping at anytime would keep the player base free flowing enough to keep Q times low

  13. “This behavior is unacceptable because there’s a line to get into most servers…(because our servers are garbage?) I’m sorry but I paid for a video game and maintaining activity to avoid a time out boot isn’t against any TOS I’ve ever seen. This behavior from Amazon is unacceptable.

    Edit: Just to be clear, I’m all for anti-AFK measures being implemented and improved upon for the betterment of a game, but to stamp their feet in a fit and call their customers “unacceptable”. Weighing an unspecified ban over our heads to scare us? That’s garbage.

  14. lol acceptable behavior. maybe they should create the solution of allowing people to get into their servers. waiting hours to get into the server to play with your friends to get kicked. Yeah makes me want to keep playing this game.


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