Aerial Insect Glaive Guide | New Meta? | MHRise: Sunbreak

0:00 Intro
1:21 Kinsect Slash
2:51 Kinsect Glide
4:12 Blunt Assist Dual Color Defense
7:13 Camera Settings
8:05 Stamina Consumption
8:59 Buddies With Sleep Weapons
9:45 Is It Meta?


33 thoughts on “Aerial Insect Glaive Guide | New Meta? | MHRise: Sunbreak”

  1. As someone who has played the glaive for five years without ever actually understanding extracts, you're successfully teaching me how to use my main as if I didn't know what Monster Hunter was to begin with. White and yellow make you immune to roars???

  2. Insect Glaive feels like a completely different weapon in Sunbreak and I'm s lot of fun (and trouble) figuring the new Skills and synergies. Not since Gunlance I saw a weapon with actual gameplay styles and different ways to approach the weapon.
    I hope some of these new features return for MH6 (Switch Skills must become a staple from now on).

  3. Loved it! A couple suggestions, maybe showing some builds for people not yet at the end of the game when you can get armor, weapons, etc. that help you do all of that damage shown, let’s say, something for someone starting MR, then something around middle MR and then for the end, of course, around this play style. Great video, thanks for the tips, will put them into practice. I love to use poison but that sleep is a very good idea, lots of damage.

  4. So, genuinely confused here. I'm trying to do the kinsect slash bouncing you're doing. it works on the first. but the second dive it goes through the training dummy every time. I can't vaulting dance. so the combo ends

  5. the insect glaive is a really fun weapon to use but it also has so much annoying shit tacked onto it in the form of extract gathering
    your triple up buff cant be refreshed until it completely wears off so youre inevitably gonna be mid combo on a monster interrupted by your extract running out
    then you have to basically pause the hunt to start hitting it with your bug before you can go back to actually fighting it
    "but the new kinsect slash! it lets you gather the extract just by hitting it with aerial attacks!"
    …but it doesnt work once you get the red extract
    "but the kinsect glide! it lets you get whatever extract you want regardless of what extract you have!"
    …unless you have marked the monster with tetraseal slash in which case youll go flying at that body part every time

    its like they were worried the weapon was gonna be TOO much fun so they added all these inconveniences to it as a fun tax
    i think id be okay with it if they just totally removed extract gathering from the weapon entirely

  6. Amazing video! I had played IG only a little bit so far in Rise. It just didnt fully stick, partially because of upkeeping the buffs. But after trying to find a new weapon in CB and SA, trying out aerial IG was absolutely a blast! And it does such great damage, while also providing easy access to buffs and incredible mobility! Exactly what I'm looking for. Now just to search for a great set… :3

  7. "Like worms. Like Vermin. Like Longsword players"
    Goddamn Rata who hurt you xD
    Jokes aside, I'm legit curious why you dropped Longsword entirely (or, that's what it looks like). Surely you weren't that serious about Rurikhan's bit, were you?

  8. After playing Glaive hundreds of hours in MH world and Rise, I was reluctant to try kinsect slash, and at first it did feel very awkward. After a day practicing with it, I think this it is probably superior to jumping slash. First off, it seems I'm knocked out of the air way less often, which makes sense given it's animation. It's also much faster than jumping slash, so you don't miss the monster as much, it really allows you to stay on top of it. I was already using the 'blunt dual color defense kinsect because I just think it's the best overall, but he's right, it pairs nicely.

  9. Haven’t felt the need to play rise to be honest. Was tired of my glaive being laughed at during multiplier of I wanted to be flashy like a long sword or a charge blade. Now the time of reckoning has come. Can’t wait to get back to flying

  10. Hey! Awesome vid!!! Could you make some video about meta builds for IG??? 👏🏻👏🏻 Haven't found many worth it or by main IG players and you're awesome on it!!!
    Thank u and keep going mate!

  11. Oh no, no, no the air moves are not a waste of time… while my team gets carted I'm still doing damage floating through the air like a kinsect but what armor should be used and what gems?


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