Aeldari Grav Tanks Are Now Broken…-"Pariah Nexus Core Rules Update Review"

Man those core rule changes really broke some stuff didn’t they?? Enjoy!

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32 thoughts on “Aeldari Grav Tanks Are Now Broken…-"Pariah Nexus Core Rules Update Review"”

  1. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they revert the free pivot rule JUST for the Aeldari/Drukhari, even if we end up at a sub 45% winrate. Cause apparently that's how we get "balanced" xD

  2. this new move rule is why they need to bring back armor values for front, side , back… fine you want sit side on to AS CLOSE as you can now your putting your weaker side armor in the LoS … BRING BACK 3rd style vehicle armor. OR have -1 to Toughness when shooting the sides and -2 the rear. also make so say Wave Serpent cant use its shield from the side.

  3. Speaking as someone who's come back to the game from 2nd and a bit of 3rd, this whole thing of the rules changing every 6 months is doing my head in! Is this a teething thing or does it just keep on happening?

    Bought codex orks a couple of weeks ago, for my new orks army, and its already out of date!

  4. Honestly, I would not mind that the free pivot gets removed for us – as long they keep the "squeeze into thin alleyway if base fits".

    That alone is an awesome addition for me, since I now won't have to struggle to make sure that every table terrain I play on has at least one path wide enough for my Scorpion (grav tank).

  5. Its allready fixed for charges.
    You needto make the charge measured "as if there was no overhang" (page 2 rules commentary) so if you ds and roll an eight. No charge happens.

  6. why would you get to measure your movement after pivoting? – isn't pivoting part of the move? (and therefore you would need to measure from the sideways transport?) edit: even if they allow it.. i guess is only what.. max 2"?

  7. Just a suggestion, videos are very Long(its my opinion not judgment) maybe It would be more accessible if they were shorter, or otherwise an other great idea would be putting time-marks about subject you are talking so i can instantly go to the argument i am interested in. Thanks for the great work though!

  8. 1000% proxy hammer is right about the cheese. If you rely on cheeses 🧀 to win, you're the sort of person who will cheat on dice rolls, etc.
    I wish 40k was a game of skill, not who brings the biggest cheese to the table.
    Let's face it cheese builds are there to sell models, and that's it.

    The people defending the cheese are the ones who change their build every 3 months to adapt to the new cheese.
    Why can't we have our fun races and models and just play them.
    Because we don't buy more models that way.
    All about the $$$

  9. Your word of the end explain clearly the reasons if nerf a unit even if they kill it. Enough sell wraith knight or support weapons or night spinners… The constant evolution of the game is not made to have a better game… Just sale more models.
    Is it the right way ? Knowing that we are already good buyers…

  10. I think pivoting for free as a grav tank makes sense, there isn't anything slowing down the tank treads like tracked tanks. I imagine its really supposed to represent moving and rotating at the same time, like a power slide.

  11. You can't make a move bigger than your move characteristics. So if you Start moving, pivot and stop, your end point is farther away than your starting point, so you moved illegal

  12. Holy moly! I’m running Wraithguard (I think they are really really good in Pariah Nexus). I am 100% leaving them out of their wave serpent, casting fortune, and then embarking before sending the serpent off to do an action. That is awesome!

    Also re: the pivot rules. I don’t mind that we get to pivot for free on our round flying bases. That’s our advantage for being fast and only having T9 tanks. It makes sense to me. We could have slower tougher vehicles… but they should have a movement penalty.

  13. In rules it doesn’t look fair, but when I look at physics: A grav-tank doesn’t suffer same resistance as a tank on wheels or tracks that hits the ground. So narratively it makes sense. 🤔


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