Adrian Prout: Narcissist Who Thought He’d Never Get Caught | World's Most Evil Killers | True Crime

Season 7, Episode 8

Adrian Prout, a master manipulator accused of the murder of his wife was eventually caught by a polygraph test – and his own fiancée.

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48 thoughts on “Adrian Prout: Narcissist Who Thought He’d Never Get Caught | World's Most Evil Killers | True Crime”

  1. My recent ex-housemate is a compulsive liar. As a teen he lost his dad while Prout lost his mom. My guy is handsome, young, & totally convincing as a liar, & he’s vindictive, sneaky, and has a defiance disorder. I saw the same disorder in my foster kids. You easily doubt what u know is absolutely true when interacting w/ an accomplished liar. You learn to only rely on the evidence, not what the liar is saying. It’s a way of life, so they get lots of practice at lying.

  2. I feel like the only reason the fiancée got with him is because she figured that no matter which way the situation went, she was gonna make out. If he was found guilty and went to prison, she was gonna get his million dollar farm. If he’s found innocent, she is suddenly the supportive wife of a wrongly accused man and can revel in the sympathy and attention, along with the money his farm produces. Really quite sus.

  3. Murder and lose the farm. Accept divorce and lose the farm. He gambled he would get away with murder and keep the farm. He lost that bet. He could have been amicable and made a deal with his estranged wife to maybe get a settlement that would have allowed him to purchase another smaller farm. Pride and arrogance with murderous intent was his downfall. One problem he couldn't live with was the fact the farm was never his. Wife bought it with inheritance which makes it all hers.i hope the farm goes back to her bereaved family as it should.

  4. Why would Kate run off to start a new life when she would be leaving behind her large investment in the farm and land?
    Why would Debbie get pregnant when the father may be going to prison in a short time? Adrian had her hoodwinked into believing he was innocent, and Kate was still alive.

  5. Some women are so desperate. He was arrested under suspicion of murder and she hops herself in his bed and brings along her 2 innocent children, only to get pregnant by a murder. Smh

  6. WHO in their RIGHT MIND would not only move in but move their CHILDREN in with a man who's under suspension of murdering his wife???? Even if the police SAY he isn't under suspicion any more! His wife is assumed dead not missing. Then on top of it to have a BABY with this man??? This guy must be a really good actor and master manipulator.

  7. She didn't have to spread her legs and give birth to a killer's child. She was told weeeeellll in advanced about him. Now her poor daughter has a killer for a pathetic father. Then to show how stupid she is, as Tammy Wynett's song, "Stand By Your Man," of which she did, she refused to believe the lie detector's result. Just plain stupid.
    I hope & pray he spends the rest of his miserable life in prison. Did his wife's family get the property or at least her share of it or did it all go to his disgusting 🤬?

  8. The new wife began to generate charity towards the missing and murdered first wife. Such a gift of the Holy Spirit, which eventually may have created causes for his confession.

  9. Knew he was under investigation for murdering his wife; knew he was still married to his missing wife; yet, still got with him and pumped out a child who is now haunted forever by this. What a genius! She should be locked up, too.

  10. It appears that the majority of such murders in the Western world have to do with money. Nothing more. Females kill to inherit money-property / life insurance and so forth. Men do the same. For men there is another aspect that becomes the dark incentive. Generally, men tend to lose a lot more financially in a breakup and a number of such murders are due to this realization.

  11. I guess that was a big mistake for him to know Debbie go turn him in pretty much by giving him the idea about the lie detector and then snitched on him of his story to the detectives . His ex wife was very greedy and wanted more than what she had deserved. The farm did not belong to her in the first place and she wanted toooo much. Greed leads to death is a lesson for the day!! If she had agreed to get a little bit less money, she would’ve been alive but no, she had to try to steal more money from him and ended up dead! She was very moneygreedy and that’s what happens!!

  12. Saw this episode before. The entire situation sickens me. Gotta be honest about two facts:
    1. Abusive partner kicks my butt. When I divorce them, I divorce all things related to them, money included.
    2. When looking for a mate, if I learn the potential mate’s former partner is missing and the partner is under suspicion, I have nothing to do with them.

    Sounds like aspects of narcissism on many fronts.

  13. The human ability to not accept evidence and proof is amazingly horrific. We see and hear what we want to see and hear. Whatever bolsters our beliefs, that is what we believe, regardless of the mountains of evidence in front of us.

  14. Debbie is either really stupid or really naive but I think she was both.
    Getting involved with a man who was suspected of killing his wife is just plain dumb. No one can be that lonely or desperate.

  15. Why would a woman become involved with a man whose wife had disappeared without a trace? The likelihood of that wife running off leaving behind all or nearly all of her possessions is slim to none. Her death is all but proven in a court of law. She had been warned about his accusal.

  16. Obviously, for good reason, polygraph results are not admissible in court.
    But Adrian was in a difficult spot:
    If he refused the polygraph, public perception would be that he's guilty. But if he took the test, and failed, perception would be that Adrian was guilty.
    He was boxed in, and gambled that he might be able to pass the polygraph. He lost.

  17. No sympathy for this woman. You never choose a man (or woman) over the safety of your kids. Kate turned down the original settlement and asked for more. She wouldn't have walked away. If anything, she would have gone back and accepted the original settlement. Quit being daft and desperate over a need to be with a partner. Kids should he the first priority, always.

  18. Just because a spouse isnt sad or worried that the other went radio silent doesn't mean anything. If my ex, when in the middle of us spliting up, had gone "missing" (without me having to do anything with it) i wouldn't have been worried or sad for one minute and i probably wouldn't have reported him missing lol. The most i would've done was tell his family to report him because i didn't give a shiit.


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