Adorable Little Girl Lets Her Goats In The House! They're So Funny!!

We let the goats out of the paddock while cleaning their houses and they followed us in the yard so we thought hey, letโ€™s see if they go in the house, as you do! Little Gunther is definitely the leader, the other two follow him. Whilst they were a bit wary at first, Iโ€™m sure they loved their little adventure exploring the house and Ameliaโ€™s bedroom! Such funny little animals, we hand feed them every day so they are very friendly with us now, a little too friendly sometimes they shout at you for food when they see you! They even stare at you through the kitchen window and guilt trip you to go out and visit! They would all run away from you in the beginning but with patience we had them eating from the hand. Which one is your favourite??


38 thoughts on “Adorable Little Girl Lets Her Goats In The House! They're So Funny!!”

  1. No baa berries in the house this time! ๐Ÿ

    Em, tell Shane you need a donkey or llama to guard your little guys. A donkey would probably be the better choice; we had llamas, and between shearing, deworming, and foot maintenance, they were a lot of work. Beautiful, helpful, generally awesomeโ€”but a lot of work.

  2. The goats are beautiful. Amelia is getting so big. So grown up she is. Last video it was nice to see grandma and granddad. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽˆ. โคโคโค๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ™

  3. Oh my! When I saw the title of the video I knew it was going to be a special watch. The goats allowing to be entered into your home was such a fascinating take on how they can integrate so well within surroundings different to what they are typically used to. Plus they interact with all of you sweetly. A pleasure to be a part of your channel as always. More of Niko please. Havenโ€™t seen much of the furry angel in some time. โค

  4. Given goats propensity to leave droppings everywhere, you are very forgiving letting them in the house. Was funny how they struggled a bit coming down the stairs when they are know for navigating mountains like a walk in the park. Where's the wolf pack when the goats are in the house?

  5. Just when I thought you couldn't get more amazing…you invite the goats into your home and show them around as if it's the most natural thing in the world. You guys are so cool!


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