Actors That Had Mortifying Things Happen During Filming

From the outside looking in, working on a film set may appear luxurious. However, professional acting doesn’t come without its drawbacks. As the years go by, we’ve heard more and more revealing stories and hilarious bits of trivia about some of our favorite stars. From Steve Carell’s really real and really painful wax treatment on “The 40 Year Old Virgin” to René Belloq accidentally eating a fly in “Raiders of the Lost Ark” — there’s so much that goes on behind the scenes that we now have the chance to laugh at.

The multitude of dilemmas that have occurred during film productions has given us a glimpse into how the process of filmmaking could be either an enjoyable task or sometimes even a humiliating one.

But no matter how you look at it, everyone loves hearing these stories. So what other bluffs, blunders, and mistakes have been made on your favorite shows and movies? From McLovin’s age in “Superbad” to Emilia Clarke’s messy eating in “Game of Thrones” — keep your eyes glued to find out which actors that had mortifying things happen during filming!

#Actors #Filming #Celebs

Parental supervision | 0:00
A prosthetic mishap | 1:14
Asleep on set | 2:16
A sticky situation | 3:10
A money bed mishap | 4:10
The danger of Friends | 5:01
The birds and the bees | 5:56
The dancer’s hard fall | 7:01

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29 thoughts on “Actors That Had Mortifying Things Happen During Filming”

  1. The "white liquid" that came out of the nose tip was trapped sweat and oil. It wasn't just something from the prosthetic like she tried to say! It may have turned milky white from the rubber, but it was her bodily fluids.

  2. Her nose fell off and covered her co-star all over with white liquid and you’re caring about HER?? WHat about the poor male co stars face being covered with white liquid!! Yeah cause it’s white and liquid and he’s a male it’s laughed off as a joke but it’s still expected and entrenched misandry and sexism rifle in our culture


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