"Activist" Turns To The Dark Side! Sues Police For Violating His Rights, Then Does The Same Thing!

Jesse Fruhwirth, AKA “Jerry” from yesterdays video, SUED the Salt Lake City Police Department because they Detained him for FILMING in PUBLIC! Jerry is not only an absolute hypocrite but also a Tyrant! Jerry knows the law AND our rights but now that he’s part of the Government he wants to control us and when we don’t listen, remove us or have us arrested for “Disorderly Conduct” violating the SAME rights he used to exercise & even sued to protect! Shame on you Jerry, you’ve been EXPOSED.

Original Video: https://youtu.be/8gVbwUX3QIY

Activist sues Salt Lake police over questioning by off-duty officer: https://archive.sltrib.com/story.php?ref=/sltrib/news/58375406-78/


If you feel the need to peacefully petition your grievances against your government OR commend any public servants behavior regarding this incident I will leave public contact information below. Always remember, this is your right under the 1st Amendment to the U.S Constitution!

• Information Technology: “Jerry”

(385) 468-0700

• Salt Lake County Mayor: Jenny Wilson

[email protected]

(385) 468-7000


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Disclaimer :
Video is for educational purpose only,
The legal topics covered in Long Island Audit are designed to be educational
and informative , and should not serve as legal advice under any circumstances. The contents of this video is in no way intended to provoke,
incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens about constitutionally protected activities, law, and civilian rights, and emphasize
the importance of constitutional awareness.


26 thoughts on “"Activist" Turns To The Dark Side! Sues Police For Violating His Rights, Then Does The Same Thing!”

  1. "If you think Jerry violated his own rights, hit the like button" OK, hit the like button? What a disingenuous way of pandering for YouTube Likes. C'mon guy, a little honesty goes a long way, and a little dishonesty goes way, way further. Don't destroy your own channel with little dishonesties like "If you have such-and-such opinion (like I do) then hit the Like button."

  2. Jerry 🎉jerry🎉 oh my what a character. It’s so funny to see what happens when you can’t beat them join them. Right. Sad.

    Love the videos, you do a great job! Next time your in Salt Lake City let’s grab some food!

  3. Dude you really need need to work out the audio issue when you do these types of videos because the volume of you reviewing the video is much louder than when you're actually playing the video and I'm constantly having to adjust the volume on my TV. It happens every time you do these review videos

  4. “What happened to Jerry??” Jerry was an incredibly ignorant & foolish LEFTIST activist! He was never on the “right side” of anything!! Fighting for the stupidest and most moronic Marxist causes funded by billionaires like Soros 🤦‍♂️


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