Activision has been quoted as saying permanent bans are legit and no mistake. Bams perma ban from MW3 and Warzone is legit.



  1. Kinda crazy to say there’s “no false permaban” but doesn’t acknowledge when an account is breached by someone else and that said person uses cheats causing a ban on someone else’s account. What about those people.

  2. The amount of arrogance this guy has is wild. And why are you still reporting on CoD topics if you're so done with the franchise? If you truly meant anything you say in your videos, you'd stop giving them attention and move onto something else but instead you click bait your audience into a video of theories and beliefs as if it's all fact with no evidence. Just stop dude. You're a grown man who wears a mask on the Internet that spreads misinformation and insults others.

  3. Okay ima break you down rq. The cod moderation team is very small. 90% of bans are done through a systematic process (ik your brain is small so thats an program that bans ppl based off of a number of parties) this algorithm uses reports as the primary focus. Thats a fact. Dataminers have proven this. Ontop of that if you watch bams streams you will see. When he goes crazy he does. But you can also see he misses alot of shots. His aim is dispersed and rarely hits the same spot. So thats not aimbot. And ontop of that he gets caught of guard very often. Mainly his reaction time is his best trait. The only reason cod claimed there are no fasle perma bans is to secure a state of law. As technically bams could take this to court since he has spent a lot of time and money in this game. Anywho now that ur claim is irrelevant ima go about my day. Good day to you sir

  4. yo eight thoughts you cant be that stupid right?! bams got perma banned on his side account 😂 hes still playing on his main activision account, if he was cheating wouldnt he be banned on his main account?!

  5. Why not just learn how to play the game the right way your not going to win every lobby your in cheating is point a can’t be as fun as these streamers make it seem to be. I can say that SBMM did cause a lot of the cheating though

  6. Wait so basically no one actually said bams name so you just made it about him🤣I’m baffled by you ngl who’s your next victim cause this shit is nonsense

  7. I’d believe that if I didn’t get permabanned myself lol… I’m below average on ps5 and got permabanned. I tried to appeal and it got rejected. Literally wouldn’t know how to hack even if I wanted to. So ya unfortunately the “no false perma bans” is a joke. And I don’t even care about bams just saying


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