ACMA being used as a vehicle for Kevin Rudd’s ‘vindictive crusade’ against Sky News

The Australian Communications and Media Authority foolishly allowed itself to be used as a vehicle for Ambassador to the US …


27 thoughts on “ACMA being used as a vehicle for Kevin Rudd’s ‘vindictive crusade’ against Sky News”

  1. There’s isn’t any climate emergency, Australia stop buying into this and stop voting for government pollies that push this agenda, just start saying no to these turkeys. All together now, just so the crazy greens can hear us… There is no climate emergency! Stop believing the propaganda and being brainwashed! ❤

  2. It why he was known as Rudd the dud
    He should have to pay for the wrong ones out of his own pockets
    So how many has he lodged against abc not doing their job
    None as their his puppets to promote their lies

  3. Rudd, you definitely have missing brain cells, your mentally crazy and an embarrassment to our country. What’s goen on with your little legs, they don’t look the goods when you walk.

  4. Sky News please use discernment and make sure you are not covering criminals who have committed crimes against humanity … pedophila will never be accepted by voting yes it tried to opened a door of pedophila tolerance which failed because true conservatives will never accept this immoral act against children and youth …

  5. Rudd never had party room support…..his powerbase were the labor members whose leadership vote made him their leader……the party dropped him within 18 months when he destroyed what should've been a minimum 2 term majority…..he then knifed colleagues, got back in and was embarrassingly rejected by the people in favour of Abbott…, his Labor leader and PM has shuffled him to the other side of the world to keep him away from local politics…..but it's all the fault of a 90yo US citizen in his deluded mind….🧐 Reality is Kevvy, no one in politics likes you or rates your ability and heading that list is your own party…..shut up and go away you hack and enjoy your taxpayer free ride…..

  6. We need a chapter in our Constitution managing politicians (i.e. our law makers). They are pure scum in Australia and should be on minimum wage. You will not get the best and brightest in politics. it's not in their DNA

  7. ACMA needs to do its job properly. Like define what a PG rating for all media sources is and how much legal force the PG rating could possibly carry. The PG rating is badly broken. The Bill Henson debacle proved this in 2008.


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