Aaron Plays: Horizon Zero Dawn – Highlight #5 (Blind Playthrough)

A highlight of a http://www.twitch.tv/blindwave stream where Aaron plays Horizon Zero Dawn for the first time.

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16 thoughts on “Aaron Plays: Horizon Zero Dawn – Highlight #5 (Blind Playthrough)”

  1. there's a legacy outfit for cactus-destroying you haven't tried out. It comes with a juice extracter as a special weapon against greenshine merchants

  2. personally, I never think about what actors might play the characters. The game is its own thing; it isn't secondary or a prelude to seeing it on the screen. Plus, rumour is the show is not following either game, but running parallel, with certain people in FW in the foreground.

  3. Please please PLEASE start shooting components off, get hardpoint arrows asap (better versions of regular arrow), and get the jump for slo mo skill, it makes fights SO much easier. (I believe hardpoint arrows are found in meridian thru merchants, but see if they are already available to craft)


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