A Writer Falls in love with a Young Socialite and they're soon Married and Than What Happend

Gene Tierney Drama Movie Movie
A writer falls in love with a young socialite and they’re soon married, but her obsessive love for him threatens to be the undoing of them both as well as everyone around them.


29 thoughts on “A Writer Falls in love with a Young Socialite and they're soon Married and Than What Happend”

  1. western hood must be important not to be stricken with copyright infringement.. Just one too many paid commercials on stolen property..Thumbs down.. Greedy bastards..!

  2. Interesting film, I enjoyed the Actors performances!
    When I started to realize where the story was heading, it occurred to Me that — in real life — The obsessively controlling Partner on this sort of relationship seems to be more-frequently the man.
    Choosing to reverse this seeming- ‘norm’ gives the issue a different slant.


  3. I watched probably too many films in my 79 years, but most all were good ones to watch, not like latter 20th century and 21st, mostly crap.
    I get a kick out of so many oddball things, even in some fine films…as Mr. Wilde here, late at night, home atmosphere, he has a suit, tie on and is out riding a horse…or sometimes a film has a guy at home for the evening, dressed well, etc, then it's supper time (NOT dinner!) and he says he must dress or change for whatever mealtime. I have never seen many films that were ever very real life like…Over 100 years of cinema and reading a good book beats cinema any day.

  4. Interesting movie. The trial, however, was terribly unethical! The Prosecutor has personal interest in the deceased. He had been engaged to her before she met Defendant. He would have had to Recuse himself, because of personal interest. Very unrealistic and unfair!

  5. "Of all the seven deadly sins, jealousy is the worst."
    How true. It kills people, it destroys families, it is so ugly that even a beautiful woman can be so very unattractive. It's a form of bondage…

  6. Thanks for uploading this. "Leave Her to Heaven" was remade into a tv movie several years ago with Patrick Duffy and the talentless Loni Anderson Tierney would have had Anderson for lunch.


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