A Wild Ride: 30 Years of Reporting for Foreign Correspondent | Foreign Correspondent

Foreign Correspondent is celebrating its 30th year on ABC TV with ‘A Wild Ride’ — a one-hour special which chronicles the extraordinary changes that have shaped today’s world. Subscribe: https://ab.co/3yqPOZ5

The program features some of our most powerful stories from the past three decades. On revolution and war, tragedy and survival, terror and hope.

We talk to our correspondents, past and present, about being on the ground as they reported history in the making including Eric Campbell, Lisa Millar, Tony Jones, Jennifer Byrne, Mark Corcoran, Sally Neighbour, David Lipson and Deborah Snow, as well as founding executive producer Jonathan Holmes.

The ABC created the show in 1992, three years after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

It was the start of thirty tumultuous years.

As the Soviet empire disintegrated, Foreign Correspondent was there to cover the ethnic and religious conflicts that erupted across eastern Europe, and political upheaval inside the former Soviet states.

Across Asia, we reported on the people power movements which challenged and toppled dictatorships.

As the new millennium dawned, the challenges rolled in.

Foreign Correspondent was there to report on the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and the ‘War on Terror’.

From all around the globe we revealed the growing threat of climate change, a powerful force that is set to define the 21st century.

And we charted the rise of China, with its incredible social and economic transformation, building an archive of stories few broadcasters can match.

We tracked the rise of populist leader Donald Trump, his ‘Make America Great Again’ movement built on the deep divisions within the United States of America.

And we covered the increasing authoritarianism of Russian President Vladimir Putin, his brutal invasion of Ukraine a sign of his Tsar-like ambitions to recreate the old Russian empire.

Australian audiences are hungrier than ever for in-depth, on-the-ground reporting to help them understand what’s happening and why and to hear the human stories behind global events.

That’s our mission.

Read more here: https://ab.co/3JhUbZZ , https://ab.co/3cS1GuJ , https://ab.co/3Q0FTz9

About Foreign Correspondent:
Foreign Correspondent is the prime-time international public affairs program on Australia’s national broadcaster, ABC-TV. We produce half-hour duration in-depth reports for broadcast across the ABC’s television channels and digital platforms. Since 1992, our teams have journeyed to more than 170 countries to report on war, natural calamity and social and political upheaval – through the eyes of the people at the heart of it all.

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11 thoughts on “A Wild Ride: 30 Years of Reporting for Foreign Correspondent | Foreign Correspondent”

  1. A consistently great programme. I've learned so many things about what is happening in different parts of the world that I didn't have a clue about. A must watch when it is on.

  2. George Negus is a class act all the way :]

    Agreed with the folks that said 4 Corners and Foreign Correspondent should be on more often, these are some of the VERY FEW programs I still watch.

  3. You asked how I did it come to this ?? HELLO .. We don’t need paid media to answer that question, just back up to that part about the end of the Cold War & prosperity. Because that FANTASY has never ended or begun. It’s been with us since FORVER. Hitler wanted Europe so he took it by force, World politicians got greedy & now the planet is eroding faster than we can repair it. Man & technology – we let it into our lives because we gave them permission in a state of ignorance of it’s consequences. Apple, Google, META, all of it. So don’t start asking questions about WHY & HOW when all this could have been avoided 83 years ago by stopping tyrants & corporations taking control. We the people, for the people, by the people.. what kind of sick lie was that when it was told to us by a politician – Abe Lincoln in 1861 & we’ve been fed & swallowed the same lie ever since.

  4. Instead of reporting both sides of the story, you only focus on the perspectives of one people. Serbian civilians were also subjected to horrific war crimes committed by the Bosnian Army. Why did you not cover this?


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