A Wild Photo AND A Recording Sent In Plus….

You may be interested in what’s COMING down the pipe soon….its a doozy.

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#sasquatch #bigfoot #yeti #sabe #hunting #fishing #hiking #camping #britishcolumbia #russia #rockymountains


45 thoughts on “A Wild Photo AND A Recording Sent In Plus….”

  1. Could someone tell me the video with the story of the trucker seeing a “dinosaur “ run out in front of his truck? Bizarre story but would still love to hear it. I take it with a big pinch of salt since all non-avian aka non-bird dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago with the KT extinction event.

  2. Spare us the virtue signaling lecture.
    You know damn well you're as much a selfish lazy coward as anyone still obeying you tube's censorship.
    Sell out ~
    The emailed stories are great!
    Thank you!

  3. Do your part following the right God and asking for truth to be revealed to you, and you’ll get it. You’ll know then without a doubt what’s true or not. Channeled writings are a sliver of truth embedded in a body of lies.

  4. Paul also encourages us to "think on good things:" whatever is of good repore, noble, honest, outstanding, or true…etc. Mindfully swept brain boxes are encouraged!

  5. I hope abusers rot a slow roast in hell too & karma hits them every day. You survivors, are brave, strong souls! God sees everything! Thank you Steve & villagers for this save place to share. These experiences are making a positive differences. I will wait for the DAY because it is coming.

  6. Steve I pray to our Father Yehovah that you read my email so these Christian’s can learn they are deceived with no one to blame but themselves because they choose to disregard the command to Come out of her least ye partake in her plagues that was written to them along with what our Creator thinks about them when He said My people destroy themselves for lack of knowledge. Yes lack of knowledge means y’all are ignorant. It’s not my fault I leave comments everyday

  7. I can agree with Steve when he talks about people who just let the world go by, people who just don’t care what happens to their neighbor, etc. people who just live there limes and don’t intervene and help others who are abused and oppressed and lied to, etc. It brings to mind that we must stand up for those people! Think about the world wars! Think about how the evil bastards went after the Jews, And then when they were done, they went after the next set of people or the next group, and then when they were done with that, with them, they went after another group. Eventually, there was no one left to fight. Or, there could be no one left to stand up for the right instead of for the long, instead of for the evil! We must always, always do the right thing. This is scriptural. This is biblical. We Are supposed to stand up for the oppressed and defend the powerless and the weak! If we do not stand up against the evil doers, if we do not stand up for what is right and defend those who need help, there will be no one left to defend us when it is our turn to die! Or to be exterminated! Now, this should not be the only reason that we do it, meaning, we should not do it just because we could be next… But, but, we should do it because it is the right thing to do! We must do it because it is the right thing to do, regardless of the consequences! We must unite and ban together and love one another and stand up for truth and righteousness and justice and defend those who need our help! Just my opinion. But we must band together and do the right thing. There are more of us out here who believe in truth and righteousness and justice and more of us out here that have faith in our fellow man. Take from this what you will, or leave it, as it is just my opinion. However, we can, we can, and we do make a difference in our lifetimes and in the lives of others. We can show love and we can show support and we can show compassion and we can show sympathy and empathy to our fellow man. We can encourage one another, and we can and do make a difference! Sent with sincerity and love… May Jesus Christ bless you all. Sincerely.

  8. 0:00 intro video clips 3:50 Steve intro discussion why he created this channel. why he does this. what's coming down the pike to expose the filthy liars. 15:30 Washington state near Mount Rainier 10pm made recording of strange sounds 17:0021:00 recording of high pitched sounds 21:05 Steve remembers something similar, says it's not wolves. 22:55 PG rated domestic violence content girls see big mamma sasquatch while sleeping outside Lake Eufaula Oklahoma cabin 1976 or 1977 28:00 Steve responds 29:30 writing in from Alaska heard story of military hunting caribou, shoot some caribou, forest people walked over and threw them into the military vehicle, drove into the side of a mountain somehow. 31:15 near Kalispel little girl experiences two huge splashes in the lake 7 feet from her when fishing with drill sergeant dad above timber line he says it must be a beaver. claims 3 tribes of sasquatch and they are from another planet with radiation resistant dna. 37:20 Golden Ears Park backpacking 1978 or late 70s. Found massive human-like footprint filling in with water. Ran 8 hours back to the truck. Vancouver kids see cat run past on the staircase and run straight through the stucco wall which was shimmering. Horn Lake one story teller claims to have been horseback and seen sasquatch family building "fort". 40:33 Photo of being in forest – they are everywhere. July 2022 Alabama here's photo hwy 55 outside of Andalousia Alabama on the way to Greenville. Claims the trucker that saw the dinosaur did see it, but that it is purposely made to look like that but it's an alien craft. 43:25 Steve's response

  9. sorry as brave as he may have been , and i love your channel but innocent men, women and children were killed as a result of his misguided actions – regardless – and no american or canidian lives were in danger at the time. thanks for your work but the only thing war gains is the few elete who control us. end of story. Pubically called.

  10. The howls from the Mt. Rainier audio sound the same as the Clippers Mills (CA) audio. I did NOT hear anything that sounded like a coyote pack. There would've been multiple voices at the same time if it were coyotes. I'm a music professional and music teacher..

  11. Steve,I live close to standing stone state park in tennessee.I sent you a message a while back about stange things happening around my house.It started in late Dec and ended in late feb.My neighbor who is a y7 yr old female always put dog food on the back of her porch.In mid Jan I heard a gunshot at her house around 10 pm.I called her and she said she took a shot at something very big and hairy standing outside her back porch where the dog food was.It scared me quite a bit.This lady stays to her self,and when she says something you can believe her.I told you a feeling of dread came over me and my girlfriend for those 2 months.Something slapped the back of my house on 2 occasions during that period and I have lived here 26 yrs with nothing before happening.I measured a body in my growed up field that was 9 ft long and 4 ft wide.My blue tick coon hound would always bark in the valley behind my house when the wind blew from the north west.Just yesterday,I mowed my lawn and found a cow leg.The nearest cows are 4 miles away,to the northwest on the Cumberland River which runs thru tennessee.I think whatever was here for 2 months killed a cow 4 miles away,and packed some of the bones behind my house.I am a 60 yrs old and served in the army for 12 yrs and I have never saw a sasquatch before,but hunted until I was 55.So,I believe without a doubt one of those creatures hung around my farm for 2 months,and then moved on.Everynight,around 1 am,strange things happened here with every dog barking for 2 months,then in late feb,early march,the sense of dead was gone.I just wanted you to know this.I don't care of you use my name or not.Thank you for what you do.

  12. Hear something crazy. 2020 I watched this video as it was uploaded in 2020. I can tell you what chair I was sitting in. I can even tell you how I felt that night. The more videos you put up the bigger the family grows

  13. It freaked me to hear that the area all around where the Sierra Sounds were recorded burned up in one of those massive forest fires we've had out here. These, I'm sure, are planned, too. "They" want to scare us out of the parks and forests, burn us out of the rural places and put us all in stack 'n pack cities where we can be more easily surveilled and controlled, surrounded by neighbors encouraged to rat on us for crazy "infractions" of The soon-to-be "Law," like barbecuing meat, or chicken 🙁

  14. Did you hear about California are trying to pass a law that if a man rapes a little boy you can't arrest them and the same way with little girls, what the fuc* is wrong with people now days, I'll tell you one M.F.ing thing I don't give a shit who you where if that happened to one of my child you would be a dead M.F.er plan and simply. Wake the fuc* up you puss*s,and put a stop to these M.F.ers that are laughing at us.

  15. On the note of people who are interested in hunting these beings. I would say there are some. Ultimate hunt thrill I would guess!! To them I say you have personal issues with a underlying grudge. For the rest of use you are pissing the forest people off and increasing hostility to be unleashed on someone else who is not prepared for violence. Humans as a whole are self destructive on there own. Don't press the issue !!!! Keep your problems to yourself and let innocent people go on there own in life ! From a combat veteran who doesn't look for confrontation. I will take care of business if needed!!! I don't go looking for it. There are tougher meaner things out there! You just haven't faced them yet! Watch for what you ask for, more often than not you will find it ! Blessings to all stay safe and healthy!

  16. I am for sharing knowledge to all. I do not like lies or put up with stupidity! Ignorance is cured by education and learning . Thank you Steve for being at the forefront for seeking knowledge and sharing it! God bless you and I fully agree and support what you do and stand for. Seeking true and spotlight b.s. !

  17. Omg, Steve.
    What you said at the end is so me, about what it would feel like to not give a shit about anyone or anything.
    No matter how hard I try to ignore stuff, it becomes something I really don't want to know about. Then, on the other hand, I am thankful I am not ignorant to the change I see all around us.
    Either way, I am so glad I am not alone in that thinking.
    Onwards and upwards!! 👍👣✌️

  18. So sorry you went thru the trauma witb the stepdad. Hope he got his, if you know what i mean.
    The Sabe were so sweet to you. The juvenile must have seen you being hurt, and it infuriated him!! They are a highly intelligent being, with feelings of empathy.❤

  19. Another wealth of knowledge greatly accepted steve from long time fellow wildlife warrior from🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿,the truth will always outstrenth the lies

  20. The kid about 10 years ago who said he shot a small Bigfoot/Sasquatch there was this well known scientist from England DNA test some blood. Of course he said it was nothong. Then the guy who shot the small sasquatch said what about my shoes. Scientist said it was human blood. The way the guys face started to cry i knew he shot one. He had other DNA places after that test everything. Results were unknown primate in 2 different DNA places. Of course TV didnt want to do another special on it. Its obvious whoever in charge didnt want truth out.


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