A very happy new year stream! 2023 the year of Buddymon lets gooooooo

Buddymon is my original project, a creature-catching game inspired by the glory days of the DS Pokémon games.

Donate to help Buddymon here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=H9AG2SPY2P5S2&source=url


Chat rules:

-Be respectful. I don’t want to see any insults, offensive comments, or arguments.
-Don’t spam, either rapid-fire messages or the same message over and over. Calling for spam (“F in the chat” for example) is also forbidden.
-Don’t post in all-caps, unless it’s a reaction moment to a reveal.
-Avoid political and religious discussions.
-Speak only in English, and no emote overload.
-Don’t self-advertise.
-No singing nor roleplaying in the chat.
-We don’t speak of Rule 34 here.
-The Moderators have the last word, listen to them if you get a warning.
-Check the FAQ before asking questions.
-“Read the description” means the answer to your question is in the description, if you broke a rule you will be warned plainly.

FAQ of Buddymon:

About non-Buddymon content
-When will you finish Team Buddy Returns part 4? It is on hiatus while all my attention is focused on Buddymon.
-Can you do a What If __ Was A Pokemon Region? When are you making new Pokemon videos? It is on hiatus while all my attention is focused on Buddymon.

About Buddymon as a game
-Is Buddymon gonna be a game? Yes, Buddymon will become a game. Not just a Pokemon fangame, a full-fledged original game.
-When’s it coming out? As of now, no estimated release date can be announced.
-Is there a plan for a demo? A demo is in the works for early 2022, will be available freely by itch.io.
-How much will it be? It won’t be free for sure, but no estimated price can be announced.
-On what platforms? The plan is to have it on Steam for PC and the dream is console release.
-What engine are you using? Buddymon is made using Unity.
-What’s the art style of the game? The game will have 3D environments with pixel sprites for characters and Buddymon.
-How long have you been working on Buddymon? Pre-production has been going on since 2020 but actual work is more since late 2021.

About gameplay
-Will there be direct references to Pokémon? No, we can’t do that because of copyright.
-What are the types? There are 14 types: Basic, Fire, Water, Nature, Earth, Air, Electric, Ice, Toxic, Metal, Light, Dark, Spirit, Psychic.
-Will the character be customizable? You can choose your design with an option for skin tone, choose pronouns between masculine/feminine/neutral, and will unlock different costumes during your adventure.
-What’s the Poké Ball equivalent? In Buddymon the capture item is called a Charm.

About the region
-What’s the region based on? Orelon is based on the U.S West Coast, specifically California, Washington, Oregon, and Nevada.
-What’s the evil team? We have two antagonist teams, none of which are a classic “evil team”. Deucalion Corporation is a massive tech company, Rage And Love is a rebellious punk group.
-What are the Gym Leaders? The Trail Masters (specific to Orelon) will be Gym Leader-equivalents, and their teams will be based on themes rather than be monotypes.
-Will Team Buddy appear in Buddymon? Not in the first game, but in future games for sure.

About the creatures
-How many Buddymon will there be? Around 200.
-Is there/Will there be a __ Buddymon? Perhaps. Your answer could be on the wiki or my Twitter.
-Will there be shinies? Yes, there will be alternate colored forms of Buddymon. Unsure as of now if they’ll be called “shinies”.

Any revealed information that isn’t here can be found in our more exhaustive FAQ:


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