A use case for Thunder Roll vs. phase 2 MF, feat. the clown fiesta D-Link (KHBBS, non-FM, Ventus)

This is a refinement of a phase 2 Mickey strat I first used at the end of my previous Ven video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX4RNJQzWZI).

I originally thought Mickey’s Auto-Teleport was part of the worst anti-synergy in the game, since Mickey gets +50% command gauge from Second Chance/Once More triggers but teleporting interrupts the latter. However, I’ve changed my mind since realizing the (in retrospect, very obvious!) difference between this and Aqua’s Teleport. Namely, that being able to activate during stagger means this lets you basically act _while_ MF is comboing you. Practically speaking, you’ll usually be using this to block + counter, use Mickey’s one Cura, or use your finish command.

While experimenting more with this strat today, I found that Thunder Roll actually slots in quite nicely thanks to invisibility precluding MF time stopping it and Auto-Teleport compensating for its lack of i-frames. That’s its biggest weaknesses covered, so you’re basically free to spam it whenever you aren’t at 1 HP for substantial damage and another source of command gauge filling.

The biggest caveat here is that you never want to be in midair – Auto-Teleport imposes some endlag on you if it doesn’t warp you to the ground, which is often lethal. This also means any attacks MF has which sends you airborne (especially Raging Storm and Sonic Blade) are important to either avoid, or deactivate Mickey before they can hit you.

Finally, despite what you might expect, this was actually a surprisingly viable strat! Usually when I try something kinda “out there”, I get one win over the course of several hours and have to use that as my video. With this, I actually got several successful fights over the course of 2 hours and was able to pick the best one.

Difficulty: Critical
Level 72
Keyblade: Ultima Weapon
Strength: 37 + 7
Magic: 37 + 6
Defense: 39

*Command deck*
Aerial Slam
Fission Firaga
Sliding Dash
Megalixir x2

*Finish command*
Air Flair 1

*Action Commands*
All except Homing Slide, Thunder Roll in place of Dodge Roll

All, except for EXP Zero


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