A Toxic Environment -The Bachelor in Paradise Week 3 RECAP (Episodes 4 & 5)

Bachelor in Paradise returns for Week 3 aka episodes 4 and 5! So what goes down when Genevieve decides to jump ships from Justin to Aaron? Will Suitcase Salley’s arrival change the Paradise dynamic? Why are Ashley and Jared STILL HERE? Check it out in this latest recap of Bachelor in Paradise season 8 episodes 4 and 5!

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37 thoughts on “A Toxic Environment -The Bachelor in Paradise Week 3 RECAP (Episodes 4 & 5)”

  1. Genevieve is like 27 and acts like she is in high school or middle school. She is the typical girl who is attractive but very insecure and jealous and feels threatened every time another pretty woman is in the room. She is the type to act like she doesn't like a guy because she doesn't think he will want her and we'll get with a guy that gives her plenty of attention but will also leave that guy if she finds out the guy she really likes wants her then play the start and argument game with the guys she is with to get out of it easy. Any man that gets with her is doomed because of her insecurities immaturity and whatever issues she has going on. The way she did Jordan was a classic case of that how she made it an argument when she got back on a date by telling him how many times he had kissed her like who does that. This is a typical mood females do when they have somebody else on their mind fellas pay attention. I know this show is scripted for the most part but that Romeo dude well I'm hoping he is an actor because if not that guy has some psychological issues going on. These people are superficial and self-absorbed and anybody who would date any one of these people has to be the same type of person. When I hear a female say her job is being an influencer I am automatically turned off because this means this person thinks so much of themselves that they have whatever it takes to make people do what they are doing like who raised these people. I'm not going to lie I can't stand millennials lol

  2. Why is this married couple still on this show they should have came on the first time they showed them and then been gone I mean these producers are just milking it.

  3. An iconic video from bachelor fantake as per usual! One thing I think is worth touching on is Justin guilting Genevieve into kissing him. Like obviously she sucks and is so mean but that felt really manipulative to me…

  4. Pizza Peter gave me the absolute creeps watching him on his date with Brittany. It was all about him, using the same pick up lines on repeat, and then using the most generic "I can make this date better" and go in for a kiss I've ever seen. His reaction after her rejection was just gross. He definitely thinks she "owed" him and I want him off the beach ASAP.

  5. I've never been so happy to be too busy to watch this show. Ashley and Jared did this really adorable video a few years ago where they tell their story. This was just so boring and not funny at all lol

  6. Ok but we can't gloss over Justin being d i s g u s t i n g
    "I'm not gonna get a kiss on my birthday?" Or whatever his exact words were

    That's so manipulative, ugh, it makes my skin crawl
    Definitely been in that situation before

  7. I have 0 reasons to watch the show and 1000 reasons to watch fantake recap. saves me 2 hours and this editing, content, commentary is better than anything on reality tv. signing up for patreon ( i guess if you have one i'll find out now )


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