A Terrible Defeat for Putin at the Hands of the Russian Rebels!

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12 thoughts on “A Terrible Defeat for Putin at the Hands of the Russian Rebels!”

  1. ▪︎STOP Fascist Putin, the ex KBG Thug, Warmonger and Terrorist..
    ▪︎Presidents Gorbachev & Yeltsin always friendly with their Western Neighbours..
    ▪︎But Putin boasts his desire to violently reoccupy old Soviet Empire Countries..
    ▪︎Evil Putin is a 21st Century Adolf Hitler ..No Conscience – Morals..

    ▪︎Coward Putin the Dark Soul seeks to Obliterate & Annex, Ukraine, EU..

    ▪︎There will be Severe Consequences to Putin, Lavrov & Kirill for slaughtering civilians and illegally Invading the Sovereign Territory of Ukraine 🇺🇦..

    ▪︎Putin cruelly murders thousands of men, women & children of Ukraine and displaces millions from their homes … Putin commits atrocities and Genocide..

    ▪︎Coward Putin doesn't want peace only loves executing War, terror, death for power and land so long as he is safe…

    ▪︎Illigitimate Putin the Dictator Lied, Attacking & Invading the Sovereign Territory of Ukraine 🇺🇦…

    ▪︎Putin brutally Scorch Earthed Georgia and Chechnya stealing/ annexing large slices of their Sovereign Territory…

    ▪︎Putin again does evil and backed Assad in Syria carpet and chemical bombing including hospitals..

    ▪︎Putin illegally invades and Steals/Annexes Ukraine's Crimea..

    ▪︎Putin's Bloody Hands Terminate Human Lives, Dreams and Hopes..

    ▪︎Putin attacks Independent Ukraine then whinges 'unfriendly' when Ukraine defend themselves… this is the height of arrogant hypocrisy and pathological delusion..

    ▪︎Sociopath ex KBG Fascist Putin uses any excuse to attain his immoral objectives and justify death and the destructive terrorism of Ukraine… this is seriously sick and disturbing behaviour..

    ▪︎Putin's "Special Military Operation" is a euphemism for pretext provocation, invasion, obliteration, genocide, and occupation..
    – In Russia naming this abomination a War is punishable by 15 years in Prison..

    ▪︎No, NATO is not a country but a  voluntary membership security collective of friendly countries..

    ▪︎Putin holds the world ransom with Nuclear threats..
    ▪︎When evil invades a country evil has no bounds..

    ▪︎After World War ll – Stalin's Soviet Union Subjugated Eastern Europe
    ▪︎Moscow's Fascist Putin is now applying Imperialist Soviet Union operandi..

    ▪︎Post World War II, Stalin's Soviet Union extended its control & occupation over Eastern Europe annexing and taking the governments of Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany, Poland and Romania. (Wikipedia).

    ▪︎In 1940 the Soviet Union had annexed the Baltic States, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, as well as Moldova. The countries of modern-day Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Armenia, had been annexed prior to 1939. (Wikipedia).

    ▪︎In 1991 President Mikhail Gorbachev (1990 Nobel Peace Prize laureate) dissolved the Soviet Union which then became the Russian Federation without political or military control over any other counties…

    ▪︎Pathologic Warmongers Putin, Lavrov & Kirill try to justify the unjustifiable and reason the irrational for Invading and annexing the Sovereign land's of peaceful countries..

    ▪︎Despot Putin wants to brutally revise the past annexing ex Soviet Union countries stealing their land and wealth whilst disregarding International law, human rights and existence of human life both young & old..

    Yes, Liberty vs Oppression
    Where you can vote in free and fair elections without the opposition being Murdered..
    Where you can voice your opinion without being jailed..
    Where international news is not gagged but legal as a human right..
    Where you can elect in a new leader safely because no Dictator controls the nation…
    Where the people aren't brainwashed and manipulated by Fascist Propaganda…
    Where the World Order is based on The International Rule of Law & Human Rights, and not by Might is Right..
    This = Democracy, Ukraine 🇺🇦, Free and Fair Elections etc..VS. Putin, Hitler, Stalin Autocratic, Authoritarian, Dictatorship & Fascism etc..

    ▪︎"SATAN is the father of lies and was a murderer from the beginning.." (John 8:44).

    ▪︎"The Lord examines the righteous, but the wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion" (Psalms 11:5).

    ▪︎"Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him" (1John 3:15).

    ▪︎"Whoever does not Love does not know God because God is Love" (1John 4:7-8).

    ▪︎"Love does no wrong to a neighbor therefore Love is the fulfilling of the Law" (Romans 13:10; Matthew 22:30-40).

    ▪︎“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34).

    ▪︎"Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done."
    "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End" (Revelation 22:12-13)..

  2. To all Russian soldiers, put down your weapons, don't participate in these crimes or you will die in Ukraine. Putin doesn’t care about you and is responsible for this criminal invasion. He is the enemy of Ukraine, the democratic World and Russia alike.— Ukrainian Justice🔥— Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦

  3. The effect of video games on Russian military aged youth is dramatic and indicated by the cleverness and laziness of Russian soldiers. It is interesting and obvious that They want nothing to do with raising families or doing work of any kind.


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