A Strange Black Ball Appears Near Mars Inside Which Human Finds God


46 thoughts on “A Strange Black Ball Appears Near Mars Inside Which Human Finds God”

  1. I would love to watch a sci-fi movie where the crew are professional and competent.

    It's so frustrating watching THE most IMPORTANT mission mankind has ever sent forth being crewed by the contents of a mental ward.

  2. So YEHOVAH whom the bible describes as pure, and light, would be lingering around some other planet in our solar system in a
    " dark sphere " ? Then he causes a number of strange occurrences which appear to have no rime or reason , then demands that mankind must enter into a gate which is set up and controlled by the weird dark sphere, to presumably enter into heaven or die ? This is the dumbest and most insulting script I have heard. Why is it so hard for people to just believe what the bible says? 😕 YEHOVAH has not commanded anything bad, ( love your brother as your self, love YEHOVAH your god with all of your heart )while we only hate,lie,distrust,and steal from each other, and atheists would ask others like me to distrust YEHOVAH, and to believe them instead?! Hhhhmmm, now let me think. Who should I believe? Darn thats a tuff decision! Lol. And finally all we have to do to defeat God is to blow up a dark sphere? YEHOVAH is spirit ( pure living energy) . Just how would you get rid of him? Simply put … he is omnipresent because he is the universe. So blow up the universe? But wouldn't that be an atheists " big bang theory " ? Somebody who is not me , has been smoking some strong stuff , and tripping!

  3. 3:56 – “if it is indeed an alien, they’ll find a way to blow it up.” Bro, just because they’re aliens, doesn’t mean you have to blow them up! Racist astronaut #Xenophobic 😂 this is why humans will start unnecessary war against alien species 😂

  4. It’s funny how RICH and powerful people forget how they became rich and powerful. These people that they keep trying to eliminate to save “Their Worlds”, wouldn’t have their worlds or Riches if they didn’t have some else working for them. How would they even cook or clean, let alone grow the vegetables every year, or farm the animals. That takes physical labor and some of these rich folks have NEVER had too do physical labor! They would die in a year with their worker Bees. That’s why everyone cried about the lock downs, it wasn’t the every day workers complaining. NOPE IT WAS the BIG Corporations that were losing money, and having to pay non working workers..
    So workers need to get a clue, if something is suspicious about your boss, it ain’t going to be good for you-the low man on the totem pole!!

  5. Yup like we are now over populated and permanently destroying everything and jacking prices till people fall hmless.We are screwed and can not fix the planet.its to far damaged and to many people to brainwash into one thought of saving plannet.

  6. EASY SOLUTION – EAT THE RICH! One billionaire consumes more resources than 1 million average people. As an example Private jets create more waste and resource use than all regular people flights each year

  7. Psycho AI and weird untrained crew with a mentally unbalanced murderous crew member and an assassin who jogs like a chimpanzee and a woman blogger and the leading star shoots kills Captain Kirk du duh the End

  8. The biggest issue I have with this movie is that the conversations with Vance was instantaneous while in reality, communication to Mars would take between 5-20 minutes.

  9. Good movie. I recognized the girl from Farscape. She's a good actress and is well cast in the science fiction genre.
    An excellent summary and political analysis in your closing summary.
    Thank you for sharing this video.🌎🤖

  10. The amount of resources used to create this whole scheme probably used up most of the resources on Earth and further reduced the number of people who would be allowed to live on Earth.

  11. So earth finally sent a spaceship to Mars to research on this entity in space and they sent bloggers and people with issues do these movie makers even take a little effort to research know the topic ?


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