A Story About Falling In Love

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comment who you think is the best kisser if you’re reading this haha

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other people in the video:

Kristin Marino- Instagram @kristinn_marino

Colby Schnacky- Instagram @colbyschnacky

Carol Chaves- Instagram @itscarolchaves

Allie Schnacky- Instagram @allieschnacky

Ella Schnacky- Instagram @ellaschnacky

Austin T Armstrong- Instagram @austintarmstrong

Lance Schnacky- Instagram @Lanceschnacky

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45 thoughts on “A Story About Falling In Love”

  1. Wow wow wow wow p what you two are doing spread throughout all relationships of today's young this is what relationship should be built on
    you build a relationship the will last and the part about God I love that God does think
    God says he will always be there and he won't make too hard he everything long as you to meet all the challenges together you will have no problems just believe God as a reason for everything he does

    Will give you the strength to handle any God bless you and I love what you two are doing keep up the good love the worst thing that happens in marriages the guys forget that they caught the fish once it get to fish it they seem to put in the cooler and forget about it keep fishing well relationships are like sometimes like but you got to keep that and the way you do that is by seeing how to say You 2 do anything you want to you're a good man she's a good goddess bless both of now go have some you done the hard part now let's do the easy part p having kids put your whole life together with each other Holmes fortunes cars friendships the next hurdle vez
    As long as you remember

  2. Basically, what she's asking for alone time. Spend time together, she's not getting that It's a business and that is time consuming witch is very difficult on relationships. Maybe Noah can do what allei and austin are doing ,they spend a lot of time together if k cup is willing to try it. You will be together just give it a shot. ❤better together than apologize for it toke so long.or we ran late.come together kcup can start or finish her program and start a fall sessions to Occupy Her time. Where you 2 can actually work together or help each other out. This way you both grow. A penny for your thoughts.🎉❤😊

  3. i think she shows her body to much off! Its not how rhe bibel says how a christian woman should show herself. There are guys out there struggling with looking at woman cause because of Christ they try to stopp! And woman like you make them fall back into sin

  4. Wow GUYS!!!! I'm proud of you. Today when your surrounded by personalities on the internet and the general world that is so sex driven, for you guys to obstain until marriage is remarkable. We did the same! Put God first, listen to him and you always find the best way of life. It also shows your respect for each other.

  5. I really want to be able to look past Noah's immaturity but it's just so hard sometimes. It's like in a backhanded way he somehow almost always ends up directing things to be about him. I lnow this is his channel but he does this in KCup's videos to as well as those of Allie, Austin, etc.
    And that comment about 'servant minded wife'? Jesus Christ….
    I really think KCup is too mature for him.

  6. I told you Noah in full of himself an conceded I said it before now Kcup agrees!❤ Noah better get of that high stool before it destroys him! People/fans don’t like people who think they’re better than everyone else ❤!!

  7. Noah if you’re not going anywhere ever then you should know that Kcup is the one for you! Why are you waiting so long to propose? Life is way too short to waste time! Y’all could be having a family now!❤

  8. You need to stop "going backwards" with your feelings and affection. Nosh sometimes seems like a player not too serious – and eggs TCup on and then pulls back. She will never know when he is serious. So now she pulls back too – not knowing if he is serious or not and doesn't want to get hurt. Love can "wear down" after awhile. You both may lose out on a beautiful thing.

  9. would love to see what their relationship looks like after they hit that 7 year mark,after that faliing in love & honey moon stage. iv been in a relationship for almost 13 years now .makes me realize how cold my heart has become.Just be careful showing so many of your vulnerabilities during those good times bc a lot of men (&ppl in general) will turn that around and use it as a weapon against u later on.

  10. I have been binge watching for the last two days, and I just saw this videio. OMG! I want to see you kiss that girl so much! BUT ONLY WHEN YOU HAVE THAT CONFIRMATION FROM GOD!!!! God answers our prayers: Yes, No, and Later. I love your love story. And it blesses my heart to see how ya'll are truly seeking God's direction for your relationship. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


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