A Short Prayer for Healing – Heavenly Father We come to You, Knowing You are our Ultimate Healer…

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A Short Prayer for Healing – Heavenly Father We come to You, Knowing You are our Ultimate Healer…

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Heavenly Father,

In the midst of our pain, we come to You, recognizing that You are our ultimate healer. You know the depths of our hurt, the wounds that weigh heavy on our hearts, and the anguish that clouds our spirits.

Lord, we bring these hurts to Your feet, asking for Your divine touch. May Your comforting presence surround us, offering solace and peace in these moments of distress. Grant us the strength to face our pain and the courage to seek healing.

We pray for restoration, both in body and spirit. You are the God who binds up the brokenhearted and heals our wounds. Pour Your balm of healing over the areas where we ache. Mend the broken pieces and bring wholeness where there is brokenness.

Father, we ask for Your guidance as we navigate the journey toward healing. Help us release the bitterness, anger, and resentment that weigh us down. Grant us the grace to forgive those who have caused us harm and to forgive ourselves for our mistakes.

Thank You for Your promise of restoration and renewal. As we walk this path of healing, may Your light illuminate our way, bringing hope and a renewed sense of purpose. We trust in Your faithfulness to heal our hurts and turn our pain into testimony.

In Your gracious and comforting name, we pray, amen.


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