A Rythm Action Roguelite | City of Beats Demo

Hello everyone! Another demo gameplay here and this is City of Beats, a top-down rythm action roguelite where you don’t have to follow the rythm of the music, you just shoot and the music’s tempo will determine your rate of fire.

There is a chill cyber-punk vibe here that really fits with the music, but then again, I am not that much into rythm games (same with electronic music), so I don’t feel that I am the appropriate person to review this game.

A short complain I have is that I would like that game will pause or move slowly while giving me the tutorial instructions during the first fights.

You can wishlist City of Beats https://store.steampowered.com/app/1470390/City_of_Beats/

I hope you enjoy it and don’t forget to follow me on twitch for more live content https://www.twitch.tv/black_stark2


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