A reminder to humanity


26 thoughts on “A reminder to humanity”

  1. And yet you don't believe that God made His word flesh through the birth of Jesus Christ John 2:14 so that sinners could be reconciled to Him 2 Corinthians 5:18. So you limit the one true God of the bible yet proclaim Allah can do anything?

  2. Maybe arrogant is an impricise traduction. I understad the word astakbaro as those who was influent in this world and pushed their followers to not care about God. In the hereafter they will desengage from those who they misguided.

  3. Please 1 thing if you're reading this comment 🙏 put a foulard or just cover your head even with a sports hat. The Words of GOD THE ALMIGHTY are very important 🙏 May ALLA THE ALMIGHTY THE CREATOR OF HEAVENS AND EARTH GUID you 🙏 ❤

  4. الآيات:
    ﴿ألم تر أن الله خلق السماوات والأرض بالحق إن يشأ يذهبكم ويأت بخلق جديد (١٩) وما ذلك على الله بعزيز (٢٠) وبرزوا لله جميعا فقال الضعفاء للذين استكبروا إنا كنا لكم تبعا فهل أنتم مغنون عنا من عذاب الله من شيء قالوا لو هدانا الله لهديناكم سواء علينا أجزعنا أم صبرنا ما لنا من محيص﴾ [سورة إبراهيم]


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