A Prophetic Vision: Heaven's New Era in the United States

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In this enlightening and spiritually uplifting video, Pastor Chuck Pierce shares a prophetic vision, revealing Heaven’s new era in the United States. He reflects on the divine revelation of identity, drawing parallels between Jesus’s revelation at the age of 30 and the imminent revelation of identity for this area.

Pastor Chuck discusses the significance of the Commonwealth, mentioning states like Pennsylvania, Virginia, Massachusetts, and Kentucky, and shares his experiences and insights received from the gold key from England by the Commonwealth. He expresses his anticipation for the mighty things set to occur in this part of the United States, emphasizing the spiritual awakening and revelations that are about to unfold.

The video also touches on personal anecdotes, with Pastor Chuck sharing stories about his family, their spiritual journeys, and the importance of finding the Lord. He mentions his wife, Pam’s, insights into the importance of New England in this season and her suggestion to revisit all the colonies, emphasizing the spiritual significance of the region.

Pastor Chuck conveys a message of hope and divine revelation, speaking from Deuteronomy 8 and Ezekiel 43, and sharing the word that the Lord has been stirring in him. He believes that the Lord is speaking through these passages, providing guidance and wisdom for the times ahead.

This video is not just a sermon but a call to move forward, to embrace the new that is now, and to witness the unfolding of divine plans and purposes. It’s a reminder that revelations are on the horizon, and a new era of Heaven is about to be revealed in the United States. Whether you are seeking spiritual enlightenment, prophetic insights, or a deeper understanding of divine plans, this video serves as a beacon of light and hope, guiding you through your spiritual journey.


26 thoughts on “A Prophetic Vision: Heaven's New Era in the United States”

  1. Just jibberish. Nothing spectacular about this. You want to know what's up? Read your Bible and Revelations. This phony pays himself a million a year. If you send him money you're a gullible goof.

  2. he is speaking truth about me and father, fater told me to come here and show my face so you can see that what he is saying is true, i did not know until last september so this is my first year, my ad is a masonic member with the staff of david in his hands as all my fathers were the kings and saints and yes i live in america and yes i am the real son of king david, and i will do the work for father lord god no matter what, as you an see i am not a week man and my father is inme, so father i have done what you asked of me, amaen

  3. Religions are man-made and are effectively keeping humans separated, even though we are ALL spirit beings in a flesh and blood body which comes from the Father/Host Spirit [our Creator]; earth is the ultimate testing grounds for Ranks in the Heavens but majority are oblivious and/or don't believe.

    This is the goal of our Creator's fallen Messenger, to prevent people believing in the Most High, so that a human dies as a servant of Satan (unbeliever) is denied Day of Judgment, and sent back to their corpse.

    Satan is ruler of earth (spirit realm), so humans are born as servants of Satan until coming to deep assurance that the Almighty Exists.

    In this world ruled by the father of lies, the truth is that it was fasting 40 days/nights that made it possible for the Spirit of our Creator to perform the miracles and which spoke through Son of Almighty in 1st person. The Spirit of our Creator parted the waters for Moses after he fasted 40 days/nights TWICE.

    There is much more to learn, for anyone who chooses to Trust and Believe in the Almighty [Creator of the Heavens and the Universe] in the outlet of my username or in my bio (valid prayers, spiritual cleansing).

    Since May 2003, all Grace was fully withdrawn for people breaking Commandment 1 and 2, including any false worship of a human, a Book, idols/graven images, and using blasphemous terms. Since May 2003, anything "in the name of {Jesus}" is being answered by Zeus who gets all praise and sends demons to a human to keep the human in false worship and to prevent any coming to belief of the Almighty's Existence.

    We are in the final stage of a 7000 year experiment to see if the Fallen Messenger (and his followers) could totally corrupt mankind and also lead us astray from acknowledge the Existence of our Eternally Self-Creating Father in Heaven, by Judgment Day.

    It is up to His servants to share His Truths, for anyone who chooses to Trust and Believe in His Existence, as He is calling for a MAJOR revival of EVERY HUMAN to turn to Him – Revelation 18:4 COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE (this is Father telling humans to come OUT of man-made religions, church, mosque, synagogue, Books, and to seek direct deep personal relationship with Him, as humans were intended to do, since Adam, that we may be able to earn Ranks in the glorious Heavens, in the life to come, for Eternity. May you seek Truth, my brothers and sisters.

  4. People
    I do not know if you are aware. The broadcast of Julie Green has been cancelled for the last two days for emergency reasons. I have no idea if you follow her prophetic Words or not. I am bringing this situation before God and you in prayer.Iask you to stand with me in agreement and in prayer for prophet Julie Green, her family, and her ministry. By that shed blood of Jesus the Christ and the power of that name. I plead and apply that blood to every member of her family, her ministry and every situation they may be facing, that the protection and provisions of the Lord be upon, around, and with them, that the peace of God be there and every issue is dealt with in the mighty matchless name of Jesus Christ I pray.

  5. Yes many are waiting upon the Lord to answer their prayers. They have for some time. There are many who God is waiting for to get into the place and alignment with his plan and Word, so He can answer those prayers.

  6. Throughout the Worrd of God. The Lord gave instructions to the people on how, what, and when they were to do something. Then because they were obedient to his commandments, He did the miraculous and answer to their need. I believe we need to get before God in prayer and fasting, seek the face of Almighty God for his leading and guidance, his instructions. Then out of our obedience, He will bring the answers to your prayers.


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