A Political History of Contemporary Iran

Dr. Roy Casagranda explains the key events in shaping the current state of Iran over the last 125 years.

I made an error in the video: Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani was the 4th President of Iran! He was in office 16 August 1989 – 3 August 1997

Suggested music:
1) Baraye (Shervin Hajopour) (This song makes me cry!)

2) Baraye (Rana Mansour version in English)

3) Women’s anthem:

4) Another one

5) this is the anthem from 2009 (called My Grade School Friend)

6) Another 2009 song (my country, my country)


37 thoughts on “A Political History of Contemporary Iran”

  1. There is no "taking sides" in the name designation of the Persian Gulf. There is only one side here. You claim that you didn't want to take a sides calling it Persian Gulf – doesn't hold water. As a historian you must call it the real/historic name. Therefore you did help perpetuate the lie of the "Fictitious" Gulf. You are at fault here, as a reciter of history. Even the Arabs themselves in their own peace treaties after fighting with each others (as tribes) call it with the correct name. The treaties exist for you if you are interested and I am sure you can find them if you wish. They used the correct name in their own maps. These peace treaties were mediated by the British, by the way.

  2. Casagranda: "I'm going to call it the Arabian Gulf because that's what the Brits were calling it at the time…". What a strange thing to do! What if the Brits were calling it the Martian Gulf?? Would you also erroneously call it the Martian Gulf?!? It IS, has been, and will continue to be the Persian Gulf. Come on Professor!

  3. It's a pitty that as an academician you got some key points wrong and even worse, you couldn't resist the mud slinging that we see from politicians. Just one example of your mistakes is that Khamenei has never appointed his son as his succesor. That is up for grabs and will be decided by the counsel of experts. You should keep your distance from the Iranian diaspora who are mainly the remnants of the old regime who are feeding you with the rubbish that you uttered towards the end. Anyway best of luck.

  4. your jokes are amazing. never had fun listening to a lecture like this. i have a PhD in engineering Dr. Roy, would you accept me as your student for another phd? sincere question.

  5. Dera Dr
    the info you shared about the recent movements in Iran is 95 percent false and based on propaganda broadcasting by western media… please check it up first .. the situation is very complicated… don't believe the edited video clips, news, and photos you saw…

  6. In every old map it's the Persian Gulf. In some old maps Arabian Gulf is the name for the Red Sea (West of Arabia). You are either a fake academic or paid by the Saudis to revise historic names for ulterior motives.

  7. There were a few historical errors and some very simplified version of history which is untestable for a few hours speech.
    1. Iran and Iraq war started in Karter time not Reagan.

    2. Rafsanjani was head of Parliament and President later.

    3. Persian Gulf is historic name, an Egyptian president can't decide to change it. So, this is simply history and fabricated history.

    4. Khamenei never designate his son as designated supreme leader there are a few speculation, I highly doubt he would do that in future too.

  8. People are angry and they have legitimate grievances- but there are few – but know their lesson well in how to change a peaceful protest into hell – this will not go anywhere – because people understood foreign interferences are not for the good of Iranians – you know and we all know these events well

  9. After learning what the US did to Iran, now I'm seeing the Ukraine war in a new light. Zelensky is the European Saddam Hussain. One difference is Saddam was used to attack Iran, and Zelensky is used to springboard NATO against Russia. But both are used for a proxy war.

  10. Thanks for the best short lecture that extremely accurate and enjoyable/fun to listen to!
    Really enjoyed it and forward to many!
    I wish !, I was young and could effort school so I could attend your lectures!!!!
    Great job!!

  11. Islamic heritage is tyranny, crimes, corruption, and so on.
    British used Islamic clergymen as their 🕵️‍♂️ spy , Islamic clergymen duties were spying, corruptions tyranny, and keep the public in darkness, and so on,
    British still using ,and supporting these clergymen, and Islamic Regime, due to their nasty interests, and closing their eyes to genocide, and abusing human rights.
    This barbaric Islamic regime was a bonus for the western countries interests, and not supporting the Iranian people, and just give them a lip service,
    They do not like the Islamic regime to be changed,
    Just want to tame their dogs , and put them on leashed.

  12. As long as it comes to Shah's white revolution, it has nothing to do with the color of skin, but as a peaceful revolution, in opposition to red (bloody) revolutions. Shah and his father tried to establish a "good Ariana" history, among others the building up the Cyrus as the king of human rights! The fact is that we don't know anything about him either! There was no concept of human rights under slavery and the cylinder is a copy of Assyrian cylinders! The 23 lines of 45 readable text has absolutely of no value regarding human rights.

  13. Are you sure he is a dr? How he can lie like that ?? I can count more than 100 lies in his talks. Talking without any evidence and creating a story based on what he needs to have based on his political view is not useless. He openly lied about her death. I know it's interesting for you to see the world under your dominance but it's gone .. Enjoy the new future.

  14. What can force the US, stop being the bad guy again?
    Do they have any strong incentive for it or people and some other major powers should force them to do so?
    What and who are the other major powers rather than the US, and what can they actually do?
    Overall, what practical ways instead of just hoping for this change are there at all?

  15. Sorry Ray, Iranian just want foreign governments stay away from Iran. Iranian love people like you just shut up and mind their own business rather prescribing this and that. Enough of yap yap exporting democracy, freedom and BS human rights. Iranian are well capable of deciding for themselves. Iranian whom migrated to foreign countries can’t and are not entitled of being representative of people of Iran.

  16. as from Turkey I enjoy every second of this lecture but one thing tough; the modernization of Turkey was not limited to changing the Arabic alphabet to Latin , from equal rights to women such as vote or being Parlement, the effort for industrialization, modern education, and many more. Also Did you know the litreracy rate was under %5 percent under Arabic Alphabet which basically means common turks could not read or write in arabic. As u know arabic has 3 vowels yet Turkish has 8 so can u imagine difficulties of those missings in to the language.
    In conclusion, Ataturk implemented the most advanced and suitable letters into Turkish language, All letters have one individual sound and that is why our language is %100 phonetic…btw: most of the Europeans specifically French does not even know what a phonetic language is 🙂


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