A Numinous Power Has Taken Over the World – Shunyamurti Teaching

This is an excerpt from a longer teaching posted on our Members Section. Sign up for your free 10-day trial: https://bit.ly/3oqFcCe

The drive to life and to God-consciousness has been shut down for most people, and they have instead been taken over by a Death Drive. There has to be a planetary transformation in human consciousness, that blows out the negative thought-form of the ego that causes us to act in ways that are self-destructive, and destructive of nature, and return to the true divine blossoming of love and life that works to create and sustain life, not to destroy it.

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[To All Who Listen to Shunyamurti’s Teachings: Thank you all for your serious consideration of these ideas, which are intended to help you live a more coherent, peaceful, creative, compassionate, and productive life, and to be of service to the welfare of our world. We understand that our approach to existential concerns is not for everyone. We honor your right to disagree with these ideas and to stop listening if you do not like them. We gladly post comments with disagreements, if they are stated in a positive and mature manner, that allows civilized discourse about your own contrary ideas, and which may spark further useful and profound thought about the important issues that the teachings raise. If there are sincere questions about the teachings, or misunderstandings that can be clarified, Shunyamurti is always ready and willing to respond with helpful elaborations and even to cite texts and other authors whose writings may be of assistance to serious seekers. But comments that are simply angry and insulting, immature and unreasonable, will be removed because they undermine the educational and inspirational purpose of this project. Those who have questions that are more personal should write us in a private email and one of the teachers in our wisdom school will respond in the same way, or if the question is a very subtle or difficult one and requires a response from Shunyamurti, we will forward it to him on your behalf, and when he can, he will respond personally. By the way, we want to clarify that these teachings are new, they are not simply a repetition of old traditional teachings, but integrate current thought in the sciences, psychology, cultural studies, and philosophy. Shunyamurti speaks from his own realizations and deep clinical experience as a healer.]

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41 thoughts on “A Numinous Power Has Taken Over the World – Shunyamurti Teaching”

  1. 🙏Had to hear this video twice… wen he said ab creating cancer in d body, i jumped n d explanation of d negative force makes sense.. my mom transitioned on this 6/6 of cancer n it all makes sense.. ofcourse she was old n was clear she wanted to die at home free of medical environment…n she did.
    It was my greatest fear I know n now I face d reality of doing deeper work on myself to live a more enriched loving life. Amen 💚🌎

  2. I've felt this coming since the early 2000's. Projection is, however, tricky.
    I've tried to do the inner work, and who knows what helps versus neutral, or negative?
    I know that this body-mind has experienced attatchment trauma, and early-onset physical abuse.
    Meditation, specifically Vipassana, brought some to surface, but before it brought it, and for awhile, a less stressed, and more balanced nervous system seemed "achieved." You, in this chat, know how THAT goes.
    Anyway, I've been praying for a sign from my psyche that I am able to manage, and how I might do so. While I have experienced such images, I've been "stuck", seemingly, for a long time. Doubt has been a primary hindrance; what can this neurotic ego do? What's the point? The feelings are intense, but more so the body's armor is tense; the life-death battle wages within, and the best I can seem to do is to observe.
    I know this is not the positivity that often manifests in these comments, but this has been for some time, and remains my truth. Thank you for taking the time to read it.
    Any thoughts or practice ideas are welcomed.

  3. Religious people, like this, should not be listened to. Religion divides people. This man even puts stuff on his head to promote his belief – even more reason to go within and ignore such propaganda.

  4. In regards to the negativity of the ego, it is worth watching the film the holy mountain. I don't want to spoil the movie, so I will try and talk ambiguously. One of the many characters is confronted in a scene, where they have to destroy what is negatively lingering in their life, in order to raise their consciousness out of self pity.

  5. The repression of ones innate truths and authentic self has on a collective level is about to detonate
    Humans have been conditioned by societal structures of every kind to conforming into a false sense of happiness that one is held to as an ideal with belief systems and expectations one is pressured into adhering to. This causes a short circuit within the body, mind, and soul. It presents in dis- ease of all forms if not properly addressed and released. The end is near. The end of denying one's truth.

  6. Im doing a paper on this very issue. I call it the crypt consciousness. You call it the death drive. It's not just the consciousness of individuals although the individual human psychology has been hijacked. It's also the systems we live in and under. All around us fundamental systems and processes are based upon the bones/skeletons of the past that make no sense in the present. Infact those old systems are actually a necrosis in our ability to function in the world. I can however feel another kind of shift, a positive energy shift, that gives me hope for earth and humanity at this critical junction.

  7. the paradigm has already change ,, that you describe is in past ,,,,,, that you project is that you cone receive ,,,,,, the field is very energetically active now ,,, and beware what you say and project to the people.

  8. What a wonderful discourse. It makes realize what is occurring around me and with some of the people I know. It is so disturbing to see someone self destructing. All you can do is pray that person makes it through to the light ,you have to be there for them even if only to listen to their pain and confusion.

  9. This is why it is so important to stay present. Our power is within. Allow, and let us not give the negative energy our attention. Stay on the path that is lit in front of us. It is like a flashlight in a dark forest. Don’t let fear grab your attention. Know , that this is how to remove the blocks to love’s presence.

  10. du sprichst deutsch richtig ? dieses angebliche Karma ist die Falle uns immer wieder mit negativen Attributen aufs neue down zu loaden – dazu noch die Erinnerungslöschung um unser Leben wie ein Fragezeichen zu leben ! es gibt eine negative Energie die das mit böser Absicht vollstreckt – das Ego ist eine Notwendigkeit um in dieser 3 D Welt zu überleben -wird aber auch mißbraucht und mit negativen Attributen besetzt – der Tod des Ego*s aller die ihr Ego im posiven Sinne besetzen gibt diesen negativen Kräften mehr Macht über die lebenden Seelen !

  11. Thank you for this wisdom. Adi da Samraj is credited with saying “relax nothing is under control”. It seems a natural movement of the pendulum that a species in overshoot such as ours, should contract. The way that this process is being framed is something that can be met with acceptance and wisdom, however the ways in which we have been indoctrinated to see value only in growth and progression, traps many of us in this dream, believing it to be the ultimate reality. As Hafiz wrote centuries ago: “God and Love have yet to become real enough for you to forgive the dream”. We are not here to control the dream, (the picture) but we can choose the frame, and know who we are in relation to it.


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