A new, nuclear powered plan to put humans on Mars from NASA and Lockheed Martin!!

We’ve all heard the SpaceX plan to put humans on Mars! But NASA and Lockheed Martin have a new, nuclear powered plan! Meet the all new Mars Base Camp!!
#space #nasa #marsmission

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35 thoughts on “A new, nuclear powered plan to put humans on Mars from NASA and Lockheed Martin!!”

  1. My money is on nuclear power.
    A Hohmann transfer with Starship and solar panels is so uneealistic that I hope people stop pretending its even possible. Not even in a bad movie

  2. This vid represents a milestone.

    Jordan, you knocked this one out of the park, outstanding work. Even with the audio problem this was long-awaited content. 10 kW is a great number, and you got some Isp estimates too. And now we know where the nuclear navy's nukes fit into the big picture.

  3. Well, I think this was an exceptional report. As to Lockheed Martin, what he perpetuated here was more of the same. Fund our space program using tax dollars paid to a vast array of unnecessary companies using employees politicians don't want to lose. He also took a shot at SX by saying that we didn't need those huge, massive metal containers when they could use inflatables instead. He may not be aware that SX will soon have the worlds first private manned space station, Vast Haven – 1, followed by a larger model in relatively quick order. Musk has also stated interest in landing one of those massive metal containers for use as a moon base and NASA has expressed some interest in it as well. I wish there was more urgency in developing those "nuclear" engines because I think we need those as soon as possible. I believe SX will accomplish that by 2031-33.

  4. Aberration! Occult deception, maybe this is the new evil Occult plan from the future, to kill more People by sending them in shitty ships into the Cosmic Solar Plasma to burn alive… telling them that they are sending them to colonize Mars.
    During the day, in the maximum 12 hours, let's say, when you look at the sky, what do you see?

    Solar Light, is it?

    If the Earth stopped rotating and remained directed towards the Sun, what would you all see continuously for hours, days, years, etc. in the sky ?

    The Light of Plasmatic Solar Radiation, is that you would see only sunlight all the time?

    What will everyone understand?

    Is it not that, > the Cosmos (at least from our Solar System), is NOT Dark at all, as it is presented to us everywhere in the media and by these totally occult and lying corporations, through fanciful animations….., but it is Full of Solar Plasmatic Radiation on its entire 3D Cosmic Surface, which also creates the LIGHT that reaches the EARTH?

    Good people, STOP BEING NAIVE, Wake up from deceptions and lies, > THE TRUTH was and is always UNDER YOUR NOSES!

    Our Solar System, > is FULL of Solar Plasmatic Radiations that effectively create the Light that also reaches the Earth when certain parts of the Earth are oriented towards the SUN, and the same happens on all the Planets in the System!

    The fact that we see the Dark Sky "at night" is only the effect of the Shadow Cone, > in which Our Planet enters through its Rotation on its Magnetic Axis "turning, so to speak, with its back to the Sun"!

    If the Planet Earth (terra), would not rotate at all on its axis, those who remain in the RADIUS of the Light of the Solar Plasmatic Radiations, would effectively be Radiated to death, and the Planet would not cool down at all, to create the conditions conducive to life, (on one side of it there would be Incandescent Plasmatic Radiation, and on the other side it would actually Freeze ), because Climate the Environment that, is created exactly by the Rotation of the Planet, would prevent it from functioning anymore, and the climate, the natural atmospheric environment known by we now, > would effectively disappear with them and Life on this Planet. The Planetary Magnetic Field, Rejects only part of the Solar and Cosmic Plasmatic Radiations, but if the Planet would no longer rotate on its axis, the Radiations they will Multiply as Concentrated Power on the only surface it hits, i.e. the Planetary Part that remains oriented towards the Sun, towards the Cosmic Solar Plasma!

    The Rotation of the Planet Earth, > is the Main Cooling Factor of the Planet, thus a Thermal Balance of the Planet can be maintained in order to maintain the Atmosphere at an average temperature…, conducive to life!

    Absolutely no one from this Earth, > has sent anything into the Cosmos beyond the Planetary Protection Sphere in Low Earth Orbit, because the Cosmos as a 3D Solar System, > is Full of Solar Plasmatic Radiation, i.e. what we call Day Light ( photons is the Light of Plasmatic Radiations), in other words, the Cosmos is formed Only of INCANDESCENT ENERGY that creates Cosmic MAGNETISM, > no one and nothing can pass these Cosmic Plasmatic Incandescent Radiations, to reach I don't know what Planets, or even The moon, or the faces lost through the Cosmos!

    Everything is a Lie and a gross Deception, and an Occult masquerade with these embarrassing technologies that "images reach themselves through the Cosmos"…..

    Gross LIES and DECEPTIONS, > the global occult brand through their occult branch, > N.A.S.A and other subsidiary agencies spread all over the world!

    From this Planet, > absolutely nothing goes out into Cosmic Space beyond the Planetary Protection Space, just so you know!

  5. more we go further into the future, more i feel like alot of ufo sighting were just human tech in test mode not yet released to the public, its crazy how far we will be tech in 2030 !

  6. Great interview!
    All credit to Jordan for practising traditional journalism by interviewing key players in the space industry, rather than relying on second-hand information as the majority of his colleagues tend to do.

  7. THIS is what Jordan is good at – getting important people in the industry to talk. This was amazing. And it's also clear that this is what he really likes to do. Wish there was a lot more of this. Great job!

  8. When are the people of the world going to wake up its already happend….decades ago.
    Look into anti gravidicts, and the developments bk inthe 80's and earlier then the complete black out of progress…
    We're already there and beyond.

  9. Yeah L.H.M , just look onto Ben Rich's last comments ……
    Nuclear power is the equivalent of bow and arrows in comparison to modern day missiles…
    You , we only know what they want us to know…

  10. Is the NTR reusable, can it be fired more than once? If so, then how is the decay heat managed after shutdown? Are they just so refractory that they can't melt, or is additional propellant used to cool the engine, which would lower the Isp?

  11. … And what if it’s true that a number of these entities whose representatives you interviewed are directly responsible and the driving force behind all this secrecy about NHIs and UAPs?

  12. Nuclear is the perfect solution for Space Power systems and propulsion. High energy density and no reliance on unobstructed sunshine. People who wring their hands about "radiation" have nothing to say, since Outer Space is BATHED in radiation. A nuclear reactor is the LEAST worrisome source of radiation in space.

  13. I love the Gemini and Apollo Applications approach to expanding into the solar system. Take already developed systems and add new technology to it and build larger systems for expansion of operations further out. When you combine a proven Orion capsule with huge inflatable modules, and nuclear power and propulsion systems, and closed loop environmental control systems proved on ISS and the Gateway, you can do things greater than the sum of the individual parts.
    And if Starship is ever perfected, its tremendous payload capacity to LEO and the Lunar surface will be essential to getting more technology up there to work with.
    SpaceX has done NOTHING to develop the technology to build the colonies. They haven't done anything to develop nuclear propulsion. They haven't addressed the shielding issues.
    All these things need to be developed by other companies. So it isn't "either / or". There is plenty to do for all the space companies, new and old.

  14. Fabulous interview. One SLS launch per year? A 21 day mission is all we get out keeping the enormous contractor army around year after year? After a few Starship HLS trips from LEO to HALO without Astronauts simply to give SLS and Orion a reason to exist … taxpayers HAVE to question why we are wasting tax dollars . Deano

  15. Don't disagree per se that we need to do ONE Mars orbital mission before going down to the surface, but several? Can't believe we couldn't do all the science from orbit without all the cost and infrastructure necessary to keep humans alive. First trip to Mars needs to include a uncrewed round-trip to the planet surface. Astronauts in orbit could do real-time decisions and control rovers in real-time from orbit. But at the cost these missions will entail… Mars Manned Mission Two needs to send crew down to the surface, or the taxpayer low attention span will prevent any Interest Inertia from sufficiently building.


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