A New Dragonborn Arrives! Part 1 | STUNNING Ultra modded 4k 60FPS |

Join me on an epic journey as a new Dragonborn in this ultra modded playthrough, in gorgeous 4k 60FPS. Explore the vast world of Skyrim like never before with the best mods and graphics!

From realistic weather to enhanced textures to new quests and NPCs, this playthrough will showcase the incredible mods that make Skyrim even more amazing. Donโ€™t miss out on this adventure, subscribe for more epic gameplay!

Modlist 100% free

0:00 โ€“ Intro
0:20 โ€“ It Begins
19:14 โ€“ Outro

#skyrimmods #bestskyrimmods #mastercheesey #newyear #2024 #4k #60fps #mrbeast #penguinz0 #mrbeast #penguinz0 #4k #60fps #4k60fps #skyrim #mods #warzone #ultramodded


42 thoughts on “A New Dragonborn Arrives! Part 1 | STUNNING Ultra modded 4k 60FPS |”

  1. I don't understand why so many ENBs are so fricking dark xd like they look stunning but if i have to squint my eyes just to see anything on the screen or i have to play in complete darkness it kind of sucks

  2. your skyrim looks really good! like the visual atmosphere and textures and models! armor looks dope. just would prefer the original sfx/music even this sounds nicely gloomy. also i didn't quite understand the guard armor issue for you – you like the armor and thinks it looks good on guards but you also don't like it… o.ร’ also really like the ENB and very much.
    about the letter box, i can't read it personally cause i have subtitles on to understand you correctly (yeah found a way to understand your quick monotone talking ;-))

    and nice small talk adivices btw but i can't get rid of not chasing women… its kinda in my blood and yes most women don't like it but if they like a guy they chase them aswell sometimes hahaha the contradictions sometimes

  3. Cool to see your actual modlist in game.
    Im not a big fan of letterboxing. If the woder aspect ratio is your jam I'd recommend buying an ultrawide monitor. The cheaper ones go for around 300 bucks, maybe less if you buy used.
    And the QD OLEDs are marvelous.

  4. Absolutely enjoyed this video. My video card died beginning of last year and Iโ€™d been saving for a new card, then luck would have it that once I saved 50% of what I needed to buy my card, my daughter calls me with โ€œDad my car got towed blah, blahโ€ so of course I gave her the money I saved, but watching you play is a joy! I can play vicariously through you๐Ÿ˜‚ so do not underestimate the fact that ppl watch you play, and itโ€™s also interesting when you stop to explain the mods that we are seeing in action as you play. I sat back with a cup of coffee and really enjoyed this test play thru. Keep up the fantastic work. I fully support what youโ€™re doing. ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸพโœŠ๐Ÿพ

  5. Adding another comment…. you should probably add Bosmeri Horns and Breton Have Ears for the full immersion considering ESO's bosmers actually have horns and the Bretons since they are half-elven should have elven ears

  6. How do you have your compass navigation overhaul mod working after the update mess?

    Still CTD for me.

    Also looks like you are using better 3rd person and quick loot EE. Those also CTD for me.

    Any advice on how you managed to get those to work for you.

    Thanks and I enjoy your content! Always excited when I see a new video from you! Keep it up!!

  7. I like your use of Northern Roads. I've always wanted to run it but after going through the work to get seasonal landscapes to look decent, I'm definitely not going through that headache again. I guess that's the thing about skyrim modding. You feel like you've got a great list and then you see something, want to change it, and throw the old list away.

    Then I remember I don't want to deal with Dyndolod/EasyNPC again and get rid of those ideas.

  8. I typically play without music and add it in post, so I can check for copyright (private video and wait and swap music if I get one) and pick music to fit the situation.

    You Skyrim is looking great.

    I guess the way to go is modlists and THEN gameplay ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ข


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