A MIRACLE HAS HAPPENED! The Dominator Fore is ALIVE and ready to storm chase

#ad A miracle has happened! Dominator Fore has been repaired after taking a beating from 100 tornadoes, a category 5 and category 4 hurricane, dozens of mega floods, and destructive hail cores since it was purchased brand new in 2018. I’ve shattered the side mirror casings TWICE since then, and I’ve learned my lesson. Now that I have brand new mirrors, I’m using Flex Tape Max by @Flex Seal to fortify the mirror casings so that I am ready for peak hurricane season.


37 thoughts on “A MIRACLE HAS HAPPENED! The Dominator Fore is ALIVE and ready to storm chase”

  1. Reed thank you for your time and courage to get the information to us. You have helped me and others who are disabled get to safely before the twister bugs get to us. Also Arkansas schools have started watching you in a attempt to keep our children a little bit safer. Remember if the cow's are running you better be moving on also.

  2. The dominator is looking cool with flex tape maybe make a flex tape guard rail that will flip down to save your windows? Yeah just twist and cris cross into slats and pop it down when you need it all made with flex seal!


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