A man is being sold a cheap suit #jokes #suit #funnyvideo #shorts


8 thoughts on “A man is being sold a cheap suit #jokes #suit #funnyvideo #shorts”

  1. After service one Sunday the head pastor overheard a woman yelling at her husband and calling him every name in the book while also saying that he was also pathetic and a big dummy. The pastor went over and saw the husband sadly slink away. He then approached the wife and firmly explained to her how no matter what her husband was that still needed to treat him with respect. He was still grilling her when someone came up and handed him the money plate. Looking down he saw a dollar on top of all the other bigger amounts that had been placed in it. "Who put only a dollar on here?" He demanded to know. The wife, still standing there answered: "My husband!" At that the pastor gritted his teeth and growled: "Wait until I get my hands on the cheapskate!"


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