A Logical Explanation: My Little Pony Make Your Mark

The first time watching this, i didn’t realize that the new character is an alicorn. I didn’t see the wings so yeah my bad. It does seem interesting that earth ponies now have magic! I’m predicting that they’re going to have earth magic, like growing crops and reviving plants. That is what may have been the post credit scene in My Little Pony A New Generation! But this episode is a 10/10 for sure! P.S sorry for the bad quality, I’m on a trip XD


4 thoughts on “A Logical Explanation: My Little Pony Make Your Mark”

  1. Just a theory: Although it's unconfirmed, That shady alicorn at the end could be the daughter of flash sentry and twilight sparkle since she has her mother's coat and her fathers eyes. Chrysalis, Cozy glow and Lord Tirek may have brainwashed her to embrace the dark magic and became evil the same way Darth Sidious converted Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader and managed to divide the three pony races and conquer equestria. So Luster Dawn and her friends may have created the crystals and separated them so Twilight's and flash's daughter would lose her magic as well as everypony else's in case there was no other way nor anybody to stop her and may have left clues for anypony but the dark princess to discover them and have them reunited to restore balance and magic as well as friendship in equestria. I'm not sure if it's flurry heart otherwise but I guess we'll find out as the series progresses.


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