A Life of Generosity | Tyron Whittaker | Nov 5

A heart for God, a heart for people, and a heart for our city.

Every Sunday
989 Lila Ave, Milford, OH

We would love to see you there!

Quick Links:
00:00 – Welcome to Heart Church

In December 2020, they said goodbye South Africa and to dear friends and family, packed up eleven suitcases, and stepped out in faith in their big move back to the USA. They both strongly felt the Holy Spirit leading them to build a church in Cincinnati, Ohio. They are so expectant for all that God is going to do through the launch of Heart Church and are believing for a fresh move of God across the Midwest! Together, they are excited to build a significant house of God, a church that will reach people for Jesus and bring hope and healing to many.

Much love,
Tyron and Rachael Whittaker


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