A Letter To Matthew Stafford


25 thoughts on “A Letter To Matthew Stafford”

  1. I agree with the booing. It's nothing personal against Stafford. The patriots fans booed Brady when he came back with the buccaneers. It's competitive sports. Congratulations to lions fans from a pats fan.

  2. You have to be the most insanely fickle sports fan ive ever seen willingly broadcast his idiocacy for the world. Watch Staffords response in the post game presser, he's about a tenth of as mad as you are, and you won. Detroits been trash, still bitching in victory.

  3. The solution to clearly bad calls is to give the broadcasters the ability to flag calls, which nyc or whomever reviews. I wouldn't give them the ability to flag no calls, but only bad calls

  4. Spot on bro! Lions fans cheered him enough on his run two years ago when it became that Detroit Rams stuff. Imo, Stafford is the most overrated Detroit athlete of all time. Like a Grant Hill that played through injuries, a poor man's Justin Verlander and this one may offend some but so be it…a rich man's ANDRE DRUMMOND. Lol he never got it done here when it mattered and his career QBR here in 12 seasons was 89.9…where Goff in 3 seasons is 96.5. You can say Lions didn't give him much but I disagree. 12 years is long enough. The truth is the truth and numbers don't lie. It feels great to finally win a playoff game!!! GO LIONS!!!

  5. Im just bothered by Stafford pulling up to the press conference wearing a carhartt jacket like hes some blue collar worker. Fuck him. Theres something in the water out there in LA, got everyone acting stupid

  6. Safeties that weigh 200lbs going low and a TE that weighs 250-60 is not dirty. If they go high the tackles will be less consistent. They are also not allowed to do high.

    Matt Stafford is great. He just got booed to no end. He should not be expected to be overjoyed the second he's sent packing.

    His wife needs to shut up.


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