A Great Week For Steez! Diddy…not so much

Itā€™s been quite a week, letā€™s discuss + news

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14 thoughts on “A Great Week For Steez! Diddy…not so much”

  1. Think the title misleading and should've been called Steph Special Day.. all the other stuff titled was never mentioned and I'm sure folks wanted their takes on those subjects. Love a love story. Congratulations to Steph, I'm sure she was a beautiful bride and wish infinite happiness.

  2. Wait, Steph is merried, already? Wow, that was fast.
    Less then a month ago we herard she's engaged, I guess she was engaged long before we heard about it here, Congrats Steph.

  3. Congrats on getting married, Steph! I had no idea you even got married until I saw pics and videos of it. You and Harry looked awesome and so did everyone else. I'm glad your honeymoon went well too. Sounds like it was a great time. I have to say I was very surprised when you two moved in together because I remember not too long before that, you would talk about your dating life like Roxy currently does on Big Thing, so I naturally assumed you were single. Then all of a sudden, you were living with him, then you recently get engaged and now married. As fast as it was, I'm glad you found your person and I wish you both well. As for the other topics, it's too bad you and Roxy couldn't get to them tonight, but hopefully next week. Roxy, I gotta see Steph's reaction to that Alpha Dom guy lol.

  4. Congrats Steph. I know you & Harry have a lifetime of happiness before you. I actually loved hearing about the emotional impact on your Dad especially. My daughter's 23, so I'll be going through the same thing before too long, no doubt.


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