A Great Big Pile of Saturday Mail!

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7 thoughts on “A Great Big Pile of Saturday Mail!”

  1. The reason why the media ignored the subject of your rant was because Trump was technically right about the 50 state win. According to ABC: "During a speech at the Freedom Summit, outside Orlando, Florida, on Saturday night, he referred to his victories in the Republican primaries in the run-up to the 2020 US election". According to ChatGPT: The 2020 Republican Party presidential primaries took place across various U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories from February 3 to August 11, 2020. These primaries aimed to elect most of the 2,550 delegates who would attend the Republican National Convention.

    Here are some key details about the 2020 Republican primaries:

    Candidate: Donald Trump

    Delegate count: 2,549

    Contests won: 56


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