A Good Song Never Dies (Fan Animated)/ Season 2 Episode 4

Much like blood: The plot thickens…
Don’t forget to watch the rest of the series here first:

Song used: A Good Song Never Dies/ Saint Motel

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45 thoughts on “A Good Song Never Dies (Fan Animated)/ Season 2 Episode 4”

  1. Probably random, but it’d be cool if the Werewolves out of desperation requested the services of a Hellsing or Belmont level clan of Hunters to even the playing field, or just to get them off their back

  2. Hooooooly crap this is SO FREAKING AWESOME. It's amazing to watch the animation get sharper and sharper and the storytelling get tighter and tighter with every episode. Also: werewolves!

    Timing to the beat is superb as usual.

    Also the origin of Duke's Excellent Hat!

    And…Duke really never has luck with axes does he

  3. Wow! This was frikin fantastic!! I had guessed there might be werewolves involved based on the pictures I saw on the board last episode but I never thought they would be hunted the way Duke's dad hunts vampires. Kinda sad. So glad Duke was able to walk away from it and live his own life.

  4. In the end, I felt proud of Duke's decision of walking away from the vampire coven after seeing all the violence and carnage they did towards that werewolf pack. He's not much of a villain but rather a person with quirks and internal conflicts. In the next episode, I hope Missi can help him with his inner demons due to what the eyeballs teaser credits showed

  5. I’ve rewatched this so many times today trying to focus on different parts, but Duke owns the screen like he was born for it 😂 Man’s a drawing and he’s got more natural charisma than most people have in their pinky finger.

  6. This was great as always Ms. Cohen. This video is equal parts heartwarming and tearjerking, Duke finally finds a group of seemingly like-minded people whom he can be peers with and it's ruined by the ego and machinations of another egomaniac.

    Duke getting the positive validation he's always craved from the two vampires that ended up on his squad was just great. They support him when he picks his wardrobe, are able to playfully tease him during training without seeming hurtful, and believe in him during the raid against the lycanthropes; frankly it's adorable.

  7. Did anyone else notice the other vampires set Duke up to fail? Look at the weapon they gave him: it's a regular axe, not a silver axe, not a magical axe (seemingly, it's possible it was and just didn't show magical properties) against werewolves. The others have weapons that appear to be magical, silver, or explosive based; which would be better suited for slaying lycanthropes. Really makes you wonder if Artemis intended to ingratiate himself to Duke by saving him, thus giving the coven an in to kill Duke's father eventually…

  8. I honestly thought it was gonna go a different way for a sec, with everyone teasing him and abusing him and giving him looks of disappointment and then suddenly the leader had his back to him and duke is holding/looking at that ax like “it would take one swing”, I thought he was gonna usurp him

  9. The fact that this song is the most Hype and Party Time of the series, and is not only the most intense, but also BLOODY and traditionally leaning? And Duke goes "Nah, b*tch" realizing the kind of people he's stumbled into when he really just- Wants to be himself?
    Holy crap, I love this so much. 😀

  10. i love how he was smitten and admired the head vampire and then left after recognizing the toxicity the head vamp had like his father. AND AGAIN I JUST LOVE YOUR ANIMATIONS AAAAAAAH <3

  11. I like how some of the werewolves had distinguishing features (hoop earrings, shirt, blue eyes). They were individuals, not some mindless mass.

    Also in 1:33, the ax maintains a green outline while the hat is yellow. In the training room scene, the hat's outline is now red, matching the rest of duke, but the ax's outline remains green. The ax is red again in the fighting werewolves scene, but it's still neat to think it took a while before he accepted it. I wonder if he took the ax with him.

    I've been following the series for so long now, it feels like a bd present and IT'S SOOO GOOD
    Loved the slaughter, can't wait to see him get the staff òwó


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