A Goat Format Guide to Warriors By Greyce

This guide was made by the duelist Greyce

Greyce youtube :https://youtu.be/XReQfy5OJz4

0:00 Introduction
1:39 Strengths and Weaknesses
9:44 Matchups
19:11 Examining a list
39:49 Warrior Variations
54:04 Additional Card Choices
1:09:19 Side Decking
1:20:29 Words of Wisdom
1:23:43 Duel Puzzle

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20 thoughts on “A Goat Format Guide to Warriors By Greyce”

  1. As an *unbiased duelist I would just like to say… Warriors best deck
    * = may be false

    Edit – Just got to the words of wisdom section, really good advice maybe try clip this or make it into a short?

  2. Great vid! Seems timely with all the success warrior has had this year. One note – I think the 2nd scenario you describe at the end is still only 7600 dmg.

  3. 3:00 – Warriors being able to easily run triple Kycoo to meet a healthy DARK quota for BLS and inherently counter (Thunder Dragon) Chaos Turbo is a major strength. I'm a big fan of Gearfried hand control variants – they're nasty but can easily brick, making optimal play a must.

  4. SPOILER Other puzzle answer:
    1. MST
    2. Mind control
    3. Flip Faith -> get ROTA
    4. Tribe – call Warrior, discard Exiled Force. Blade Knight goes to grave.
    5. ROTA for anything (I'll just say mystic swordsman lv2)
    6. Summon mystic
    7. Summon BLS
    8. Attack with tribe, mystic, and BLS (5300 dmg) (edit: 5500? lol math)
    9. Ring


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