A Fresh Model For Christian Mysticism: Resonance with Christ | Part 2| with Jon Adams

In grad school I wrote my thesis on Christian Mysticism, and more importantly on how to update some of our ancient mystical ideas for use today. Now, to show my work and give you access to the sources that helped me, I’m going to go through my thesis here as a series of live streams. If you’re interested in the phenomenon of human spirituality, what the Bible says about mystical union with God, the historical movement of Christian Mysticism, the brain science of religion, or just connecting more deeply with God for yourself, I hope you find this an interesting discussion.

If you’d like to contact me, send me an email here: [email protected]
And if you’d like to connect with other mystically-minded Christians, go to withjonadams.com/connect and fill out the form to join our Google Chat space.

Thanks for watching!


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