A Few Words about Words

This presentation was given to the National Museum of Language on Saturday, August 13.
A marketing guy, a writer, and a guy with an offbeat sense of humor sat down at the keyboard and produced a funny book about writing and grammar. A Few Words About Words: a common-sense look at writing and grammar is the result of a lifetime of feeling stuck behind the proverbial grammatical eight-ball.

Self-taught and a self-confessed word nerd, Joe shares the book’s story; starting as a tool to gin up freelance writing jobs and how it morphed into the book.

Joe shares his views, pet peeves, and insights on writing. A favorite is how mundane social media posts can be – “proud to announce,” “excited to share,” “happy to tell you” are repetitive methods used to start so many social media posts. Joe also shares his one-person war against the overuse of the word “facility,” calling it a tool of the lazy writer.


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