A Few Ubisoft & Guerilla Devs Diss Elden Ring's Success & Design, And It Goes Very Poorly

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1: https://steamcharts.com/app/1245620
2: https://steamcharts.com/
3: https://steamdb.info/app/1245620/graphs/
4: https://steamdb.info/graph/?sort=peak
5: https://twitter.com/LavenderGhast/status/1500022831249334276
6: https://twitter.com/alexdnz/status/1500431929388285954
7: https://twitter.com/JoeLongBalls/status/1500196320031748096

– Joseph Lavoie
– Coopster
– Devon B
– Jonathan Ball
– Sarano
– Charlie Galvin
– Gerardo Andrade
– Joe Hunt
– Michael Redmond
– Peter Vrba
– Time Dragonlord
– BattleBladeWar
– TacoBell Call911
– Theron Webb


27 thoughts on “A Few Ubisoft & Guerilla Devs Diss Elden Ring's Success & Design, And It Goes Very Poorly”

  1. Coming from devs of companies whose open world design have become stagnantly complacent, their criticism of Elden Ring's UX & quest design and deeming Elden Ring not worth its level of critical success is hilarious.

    SURPRISE MECHANICS (MERCH): http://www.yongyea.com

    PATREON: http://www.patreon.com/yongyea

    TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/yongyea



    – Joseph Lavoie

    [BIG BOSS]

    – Coopster

    – Devon B

    – Jonathan Ball

    – Sarano


    – Charlie Galvin

    – Gerardo Andrade

    – Joe Hunt

    – Michael Redmond

    – Peter Vrba

    – Time Dragonlord


    – BattleBladeWar

    – TacoBell Call911

    – Theron Webb

  2. I thought they said the reviews were giving unreasonably high scores, given all the PC issue. Which are there. But then I don't care about this game in the first place, so it's easier to objective. I don't think any game with limited graphics options, restricted frame rate, stuttering issues and more, should be getting 97%. Shouldn't it get 85% on PC but 95% on console?

    What's the point of reviewers NOT including performance stuff in their review scores?

    Should developers be having a go on Twitter? Probably not a great idea.

  3. I can understand the dislike/fear or jealousy on their behalf… Elden ring will most likely be game of the year and will be a hard game to top even in future years.

    It is a special game adressed to souls fan first and definitely accessible to everyone as well. The game assumes you are an adult (parental advisory check…) and that you know how to navigate and want to investigate (it is a part of the game itself)….

    Dev complaining about such things are jealous they have only ever worked on games geared towards a public with lower attention span and investment in the game they play… The difference between a game to pass the time and a game that is meant as an experience to enjoy.

    Ps I didnt even play Elden Ring yet….Dung Eater

  4. I'm sorry, but only like 5% of the total player population actually completed NPC quests on their own. The other 95% followed a guide. Ain't nobody got time to figure shit out.

  5. I don't like elden too much and it's quest design are bad, the game has the worst port of all times and even on 4k the graphic is bad, the detail's are bad I am playing it but any other souls game is better, the only things I liked about this elden game is the improvement in gameplay over the last ones only that, I don't get why all the praise of this title either it's not a hard game actually it's in some ways easier than the other soulslike, the hitboxes are bad, the enemy's aren't all that, the armor are good but as I said the detail's are bad so don't look too close and other thing that I liked is the spell's when you got good spell's now you don't get the bad version of a boss spell you get the full force spell that's kind of nice, the quest's are shit, the history is not that good and the story telling is bad you can lose track of the history real quick and see you just going some place for the shit's and giggles of seeing what fucked up enemy is there, this game I would rate it 7.9/10 the issues of performance and being a bad port that has some unforgiven mistakes that older games don't have, missing features and a lot of bad things in it's menus you can rage at me all you guys want I don't fucking care I would refund it but I already have a LOT of time on it so I can't do it, hard pass on the future titles of From, will never buy again other soulslike that From make.

  6. The last game from Ubisoft I ever play is For Honor and the last title I enjoy is AC trilogy, after that everything went to crap with their business model. They have no rights to talk about another developer when they themselves are a big pile of crap.

  7. What the Ubi devs are tryna say it the game does not fit the design of a western game but the game isn’t a western game. Japanese games devs like to do things differently and that’s why their game are so refreshing to play.

  8. Im loving Elden Ring, its going to be the first Fromsoft game I have completed and not quit out of frustration…

    but a quest log would be nice…

  9. I'm actually more surprised and disappointed that a Guerilla dev chose to do something like this, I'm afraid people will view Horizon negatively now which is a shame because it's a phenomenal game and experience. For Ubisoft it's pretty much expected lol. Maybe they should focus on being professional and respectful of others success.

  10. Lol. You people are just too sensitive. Nowhere in those tweets is it even implied that the game shouldn't be successful.
    It's an UI and Quest designer ranting about UI and quest design, that's it.
    It's no different than Digital Foundry bashing the game for the graphical and performance issues it has in their 20+ min review.

  11. I'd take an indie open world than ones made by Ubi nowadays.

    One of my favorite open worlds is Outward. Absolutely no handholding. No quest markers. No quest description in the side, no minimap. You only got a quickbar, compass, and Hp/stamina/mana bar, no clock, no weather alerts

    You get a map, but no quest markers, no player markers, you only get landmarks, you have to look around to find where you are. You find out time by looking at the sky, weather is common sense, heck if you pay attention, the weather is not instant, the weather has tells on when it will change.

    Quests do not mark enemies or areas for you. Fking read the descriptions, and quests are not specific. Because a quest has different outcomes if you pay attention.

    Also to those devs complaining about performance, specially Ubi, give them a bug reel of Odyssey.

  12. 5:39 that UX is garbage lmao. this is exactly why their games are not as successful as Elden Ring and never will.
    what I love about Elden Ring and Souls games is the fact that it lets me play the effin game instead of giving me a task list to do or telling.e exactly where everything is located. I want to get lost, explore, mess up, find the wrong path and so on.

  13. i myself dont much care for open world games that arnt survival…just zero appeal to me…breath of the wild? hated it…dark souls…hated it so i know i wouldnt like elden ring so i wont even touch it….but that is just me

  14. Christ. Almost 1M players at a time? Holy fuck! How many games get the high?! I didn’t even think games could get that many players playing at a time, especially in a single player game

  15. Shit I've been playing the game on PC at Native 4k maximum settings with reshade on getting 70-80 fps. No stutters besides the first 4-5 days after launch. I understand if people are talking shit if playing on console… but pc is amazing……… 45 hours and haven't seen 1 bug either.

  16. Elden ring is the most beautiful game I've ever seen. On pc at 4k 60 fps at ultra I spend 5 minutes of every 15 just looking into the distance, and at the sky. The lighting is unparalleled as it falls across the land and creates truly dark atmospheres where black feels black unlike most games where black is washed out. Anyone who thinks this game has bad graphics has 0% skill at analyzing video games.


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