A Child Is Born | Unto Us Week 1 | Sermon | December 04, 2022

As we pause our sermon series “Even Better”, we take time to reflect and understand the weight and impact of the birth of Christ. Why would the God of the universe come to earth in the form of a newborn child? What does it say about His character and heart for humanity? In today’s sermon, Pastor Jeremy tackles those questions, and more, surrounding the amazing birth of our savior, Jesus Christ.

Cornerstone Nashville is a diverse community of people committed to attracting, winning, developing and empowering people around the world to celebrate the life-changing presence of Jesus Christ in their lives.


1 thought on “A Child Is Born | Unto Us Week 1 | Sermon | December 04, 2022”

  1. I could listen to this message over and over. The beautiful story never gets old. He came to earth to show us how to live. An indescribable love – you hit the nail on the head so well.


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