A Cat-Focused Simulation That is Also Endearingly Charming (Part 1)

PKR plays Cat Cafe Manager and gets far more engrossed in it than expected.
VOD Recording Date: May 5th, 2022

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1 thought on “A Cat-Focused Simulation That is Also Endearingly Charming (Part 1)”

  1. I have five cats now, though I used to live with as many as seven. My mom keeps trying to take it upon herself to feed any strays or feral cats that turn up on the porch. From time to time she brings up the topic of wanting to adopt a few of them (3 of the ones we have now she had a hand in rehabilitating for indoor life), and my Dad and I have to remind her repeatedly that at this point in their lives, they simply don't have the space, the money, or the time to do so. It's a bit distressing for her, but that's the sad reality of it, and on some level she agrees.

    It's just as well. Our oldest cat has become a bit of a grouch in her old age (she'll be 13 this year), and I doubt she'd be able to tolerate the presence of new animals in the house very well. She has enough issues dealing with the ones we have already. ()^_^

    Figured I'd get that out of the way before I sat down and watched the VOD proper. The comments at the start of this made me want to talk about my own experiences with cats a little bit.


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