A 40K FFA for a Rainy Day – Carville – Red Alert 3

It’s a 40KFFA on Carville featuring songer200 vs fana23 vs RenMasamune vs GoDofWar vs pewpewlazer vs GreenAlert!
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21 thoughts on “A 40K FFA for a Rainy Day – Carville – Red Alert 3”

  1. God of war easily had this one. He didnt even micro any of his units. Had a massive ground and naval army but just didnt use any special abilities! Cryo shrink, EMP,?????!!

  2. accidental grammar cop here. yo sir sybert, you almost read "masamune" right, all you got wrong is with the "e". it's read as "eh" (flat e, not eyy as in letter a), so, like, "ma-sa-moo-neh"

  3. God level play by Pewpew here. Already heavily handicapped by a destructive battle with GreenAlert, they somehow managed to survive Fanas swansong and defeat the much superior God of War. Hats off to you sir and thank you Sybert for the spectacular game.

  4. this was one of my favoruit games, i really enjoyed it,, GOD I LOVE FFA so muchhh
    ggwp,, thats a great comeback from pewpewlazer,, i really wanna see more FFAs like this one

    keep up everyone, and thanks for the video Sybert!


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