_-|"(_"Mars Found Footage"_)"|-_ ["The Spread of the Fungal"] (Animation) {Read Description}

*NASA, [NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration], has released a Spread of “Unknown” and “Unearthly Fungal Creatures” and “Infections” across the Base! We are under attack!! I repeat we are under an attack!! Send Troops now!! All troops to the Laboratory Tubes now!!*

Troop#1 [Advanced Military Mech Suit]: *”ENGAGING WITH ENEMY.”*

*(Gunshot echo’s from the hallway on the mic)*

Troop #1 [Advanced Military Mech Suit]: *”TARGET DOWN.”*

Troop #3 [Advanced Military Mech Suit]: *”ENGAGING WITH ENEMY.”*

Troop #8 [Advanced Military Mech Suit]: *”ENGAGING WITH ENEMY. FIRING.”*

Troop #4 [Advanced Military Mech Suit]: *”TARGET DOWN.”*

*(Multiple Gunshots can be heard booming along with screeching and screaming of the “Spread”)*

• Scientist #1: “Don’t let them get me!!” “On your right!!” “SHOOT IT!!”

Troop #2 [Advanced Military Mech Suit]: *” ENGAGING. TARGET DOWN.”*

• Scientist #1: “Are we safe!?”

*[Troop #2 Has Been KIA]*

• Scientist #1: “CRAP!” “Troop #2 is down!!” “Fall back!!”

*[Troop #8 Has Been KIA]*

• Scientist #1: “Troop #8 is down!!” “We’re Pinned down!” “All station’s we are pinned down!” “Requesting immediate Evacuation!”
“Send more troops!”

• [Troop #4 Has Been KIA]

• [Troop #3 Has Been KIA]


[END of LOG: #3]

(Credits to LB SN for the Annihilator gun used in here)


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